Thoughts on the Focusrite Scarlett Solo

I’ve been doing a lot of reviews for stuff around the $100 mark and I’m curious, has any one heard or owned a Focusrite Scarlett Solo before? How does it perform give it’s price.

I’ve heard good things about the brand before and I’ve been encouraged to give one a listen


I have the 2i2 gen 2…very similar. It’s pro audio, so sound is neutral to a little flat compared to something like the iFi Audio nano iDSD LE (now available for the same price).

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I used a Behringer UMC22 as a DAC/ADC with similar functionality and about $50. The quality is okay for entry level, perhaps competitive with the lower end ESS DACs. Totally usable for many things, to include recording instruments and voice with a 48 volt condenser mic.

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I’m shopping at Sweetwater so I’ll likely get the Focusrite, the brand itself has a reputation behind it that I’m looking for. The Behringer looks like a clone of the previous iteration, my issues with Behringer is when they copy designs with the same quality of parts, it’s excellent. When they copy designs but the swap out a… TI Dac for some in house brand… then the quality is crap

Perfect example of this is the UCA 202, older models have a TI PCM 2902, newer models have some in house “Cool Audio V2902” that’s noticeably nosier… even in subjective listening [hard measurements support/confirm the noise as well]

So that said, I think I’ll pay twice as much for the Focusrite quality that and I prefer the RCA out’s on the back vs the 6.5mm.

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