Hello and welcome @adnan0819.
The first album was with birthday gift money and I bought “The Runaway Train”
The first one I actually bought with money earned by working I believe was “Rage Against The Machine” but I bought a lot of CDs in a very short time period when I started earning money, so I could be mistaken.
My parents bought me my first stereo for Xmas when I was about 12, and with it two 8-tracks, Seals and Crofts’ “Summer Breeze,” and Chicago’s “V.” The first album I bought with my own money was Todd Rundgren’s “Something/Anything,” though that was on vinyl, as I was out on 8-tracks the first time I heard the channel switch in the middle of a song. To this day, the latter two are among my all-time favorite albums, and get substantial play, though not on 8-track, or vinyl for that matter.
Now that I think about it - that Lionel Richie tape might actually have been “Can’t Slow Down.” Either way, not as cool for a kid as “1984.”
I had a few tapes like that from the radio back in the day too. And tapes of audio from tv shows we’d play on a portable cassette deck in the car on long trips!
Around 1980 I found a SEK 100 bill. I bought two LPs Abba’s Greatest Hits and Elvis Sings for Children.
Around the same time my dad bought me a cassette player. One of those with a mono built in speaker. Like this one He then taped a copy of his Super Trooper LP (ABBA) and I played it non-stop.
I bought a 12" maxi of Jesus Built My Hotrod, but left it on the train on my way home (from Stockholm). I was so bummed out.
For me …
The first LP (vinyl) I ever bought, was the double-album Star Wars soundtrack, the year it was released. Took all my pocket-money for several weeks. I got it on a Saturday, came down with chickenpox the next day, and spent the next two weeks playing it to death …
First cassette was the soundtrack to “The Black Hole”, also the year it was released.
First CD … was either Yello, “1985 - The New Mix in One Go” or Depeche Mode, “Catching up With Depeche Mode”, in, obviously, 1985.
I bought and still own the CD maxi of this song. Mainly for the title and cover. It’s still in deep storage even…
I saved a jar of coins to get the Private Eyes LP at my local Zayre Department store:
When I got my first Sony Discman I bought 2 discs to go with it:
(That cassette player.) Yes!
Rolling Stones Get Yer Yayas Out.
I still remember that moment. I was in one of Milan’s largest record shops, near the cathedral. I was 14 at the time and I was deeply in love with Tolkien’s works, so when I heard there was a metal album inspired by the Silmarillion I could not resist. So my first album purchase ever was Blind Guardian’s Nightfall in Middle-Earth. I still listen to it from time to time, though the disc itself is not in a very good shape anymore after years of listening when I was a teenager (and before the time when I started ripping all my CDs to FLAC).
Haha this is so timely, my wife and our family decided to start watching again the lord of the rings movies last night in chronological order.
All the soundtracks to those movies are so good, and the surround sound is wonderful. A metal version sounds cool!!
Definitely, though keep in mind that it’s about the Silmarillion and not about The Lord of the Rings. You wouldn’t be able to understand the lyrics without having read the book (and I actually had to read an explanation to understand them!). But in both cases, book and album, it’s definitely worth it!
Oh cool! I will definitely have to check it out.
The first piece of music I bought when I was a kid was a mixtape. My local radio station would make us mixtapes if you provided a list of the tracks and the money of course. The first one I bought had lots of Michael Jackson and Europop.
After buying several from the station I decided to save money and bought my first piece of Hi-Fi gear (the genesis of my musical hardware journey) a Panasonic portable stereo radio cassette recorder. I was now able to create my own mixtapes since it allowed me to record from the radio directly. I wore that sucker out for the next 3-4 years.
But the first album I purchased was U2’s The Joshua Tree.
Still a great album! That Brian Eno is a pretty good producer.
My very first album, I was 13 years old and bought a Japanese Import CD of Macross BGM Music. $32 friggin dollars for that CD. But it change my life. Listening to that orchestration on CD was mind blowing.
awesome @analogkid love the name too!
Third Eye Blind - Third Eye Blind. Everybody in junior high talked about that album so I had to pick it up. Took me about 3-5 years before it started to mean anything to me.