Your Favorite YouTube reviewers

Wow very informative and i have a lot of links to read and go through. Thanks!


Wanting to revive this thread a little bit with a twist. I am curious to see how our members ears stack up and which YouTube reviewer your ears most aline with?

I am curious from an audible perspective which YouTube reviewer you hear the most similarly too?

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Easy. @Resolve is dead accurate. Most similar to my own preference, @metal571 (also on point).


I find I generally hear things similarly to Metal571, although I think we do have different preferences.


Yep. Metal. He has a higher tolerance for treble than I do, but generally we’re somewhat similar preference wise.


My favourite reviewer is Bert Reviews.


I Love those reviews!

Especially the Porta Pro one. :heart:

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@ChaseReeves comparing the LCD4 and Utopia contains everything I look for in a gear review video and so much more. He has a knack for getting to the heart of the issues and keeping the whole discussion grounded in the music.


I second @nugget, I also like @Resolve reviews and @Torq Their reviews align with what I look for in headphones.
When I want to laugh I watch ZReviews… Some times I watch DMS.


I think more of us reviewers than we realize hear things very similarly in a relative sense if we’ve had a discerning ear since we were young. It’s just that a lot of us have different music tastes. But where would all the fun be if we all listened to the same tracks and headphones were only made to make one genre sound good


I mean, we can’t all listen to Diana Krall…


The reviewer I align most with is this guy dude with a blog named antdroid.

But outside of him, I think my tastes align the most with @Resolve for headphones, and @toranku or @MCM for IEMs. There’s a few others on discord that have very similar music tastes as me so I respect and value their opinions a lot as well.


He did a review crapping all over the magni, and that was the first video of his I saw. The stuff he said convinced me of two possibilities: either he was stone cold deaf and possibly mentally handicapped, or I was deaf…

Considering I could hear gears grinding because I was thinking things, the evidence was pretty clear that my hearing was just fine.

Make of that what you will.

Ironically, I watched/listened to his review using a magni.


I saw the DMS Magni review and agreed 100%. That thing flattened dynamics like nothing else. I sent mine back to Schiit. However, DMS also sang the praises of Audio-GD for a while. So, I don’t stand with him.

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Yea, and this is why a take some reviewer with a grain of salt, they have their preferences and their styles. I have been burn by my own accord due to just going with what they say and come to find out that the HP are just not what I am looking for… Some even have their own agenda of pushing brands.

To an extend thats why I like Zeos the dude cant get sponsorship because he is a train wreck (he does push some stuff a bit too much) maybe I am wrong.

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I don’t know if these have been posted before but these are pure ZMF gold!


the Porta Pro one is AMAZING!


Bert is the best, bar none. I wish he had more time to devote to making videos for the channel


I barely found out about him through your referral a few months back.

I hope he finds time to create new content.

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Does he still have Sesame Street commitments?

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