Hey Wes! Welcome aboard
Sweet pictures there. Sepele?
Hey Wes! Welcome aboard
Sweet pictures there. Sepele?
Thanks! Glad to be here.
Hey man! Glad to see the person responsible for all the gear I have. Yes sir, it is Sapele.
I see the Head-Fi leak is still a thing glad your’re here! You were a lot of help (even if I was just liking and not commenting your posts) for finding some of my tubes for my BHC!
Plus your love of the ZMF Aeolus will be much appreciated here!
It’s not my fault Zach and Doc make great gear! Haha
You just like spreading the good word of ZMF and the Crack… I’m with you, especially with the gospel of Zach and the 3rd day of January in the year of our ZMF he created the Aeolus lol (I made those dates up, just to be clear lol)
Glad I was of some help! Really glad to be here, in such great company! All my favorite members from the other forum on here.
Anxiously awaiting pics of LTD camphor burl units
Curious question on ZMF driver dependability. Anyone ever have a driver failure. Thinking about looking for a second hand set of Aeolus or Auteur, and recognize warranty provisions are different on used gear.
No failures (nor any other issues) here … across multiple ZMF cans.
9 ZMF headphones. 1 driver failed.
BUT… When you pass a large amount of DC through a speaker coil, it turns into a heater coil, and that’s why it failed. The guilty amp in question will remain unnamed.
Despite it not being a driver defect, Zach still replaced the driver under warranty.
So… I wouldn’t be concerned at all about it.
Hey ya’ll! Happy Sunday!
So I have been having some fun with my Aeolus this weekend. I have been bouncing back and forth between my 2 favorite amps, and am quite amazed at how different the presentations are. I am using my “Gumby” DAC with both amps. The Liquid Platinum and Bottlehead Crack Speedball, both have their own flavors. With the LP (hybrid w/ Bugle Boy ECC88 D Getter tubes), the Aeolus sounds fast and the sound is more immediate and close. The mids are almost too forward, and intimate, but it works really well for some genres. The sound stage using the LP has more depth and height front to back, but is not very wide. The vocals are so close, it sounds like a private performance, and man do they sound lifelike. Switching over to the BHC (OTL), things open up and there is a much better sound stage all the way around. There is just something magical that happens with the overall sound, and the bass takes on this more bouncy elastic quality, that I absolutely love. With the BHC, the vocals take a step back, and everything sounds more even and balanced, as well. The magic of a good OTL and ZMF dynamics (300ohm) headphones, is real and addictive. It is worth mentioning that I have some really good tubes in my BHC. I am using a Bendix 6080wb slotted plate for the power tube, and a Sylvania Gold Brand 5814a triple mica short grey plate 61’.
BHC with Bendix 6080wb & Sylvania GB 5814a
Happy Listening,
Them some purty headphones. Kinda makes me want to trade my Sapele Aeolus for that blackwood
I had the same intial reaction! However, I love the chatoyance effect I get from my Sapele, and the lighter weight as well, so I am totally satisfied.
A big part of the fun for me is getting different sounds from different gear. It’s always fun to swap about your gear.
Your Sapele avatar looks a lot like my Bubinga Aeolus…
If my wife knew that I hang out in forums where people say stuff like this …
Too funny…It does sound a bit risque!
I love the grain on my Sapele.
Eikon Suede pads, no perforation. BASS CANNON. Having fun with it tonight.
(No I wouldn’t recommend these pads for Aeolus. It is nothing but bass.)