ZMF Atrium

Well I guess I will have to have a couple talks with “The Headphone Company” as they neither should have allowed you to order that soon, nor should you have been waiting this long. I’m sorry your dealer let you down like this. We will ask them to do better.

Again I want to reiterate, they are a separate entity than us, and this activity does not qualify under the category of them being reliable. They are a good partner to us, and we will work together to make sure future instances do not take place.


Hello Zach, hello Bevin!

I would like to

—— apologize in all forms —— :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

that I suspected the error of a pending delivery of an “Aged Cherry” headphone with you.

An hour ago I spoke to Thomas from and he explained to me the error sources that happened on his side and apologized to me for this unfortunate situation.

First of all, I have to say that I am still very much looking forward to the Atrium. Because high-quality biocellulose drivers hit my acoustic G-spot, so to speak :smiling_face:

That’s why, when I ordered the Atrium and when Zach announced that the Closed-Back version of the Atrium would see the light of day later in the year, I decided to order the first LTD version that would be released, ——-„blind“——- as well.

So Zach, Bevin, as soon as these headphones come out, you can immediately send a LTD version of this to Thomas, noting that it’s for me, he’ll know and then send ist forward to me right away :person_shrugging: :wink: .

(actually I mean it seriously) :bangbang:

Because Thomas is my man for headphones and in-ears in Germany and all of Europe, especially some of the US-Models that are otherwise really not easy to organize here in Germany.

For example:


and more in the pipeline!

So far I had had very good experiences with him and that will not really change in the future.

Mistakes are human, and if we can fix them quickly, we all learn from them.

I’ll try to raise less dust in the future. Apologies to everyone involved!



You have a lot of patience. I am really happy that I do not have to order from Thomas. I don’t need any ‘stories’ with my ($3000) headphones, just the headphones in a timely manner please.


Back in this post, I said I’d be jumping on a set of Atrium when I saw a set I couldn’t resist aesthetically (as I’ve never been anything less than delighted with the way ZMF headphones sound).

Well, today was the day (I had, of course, taken a good look at the pre-release images), and it was clear I was going to be spoiled for choice this morning.

First choice in the stabilized was the “Nuotare”, second was “Paradox”, then it was a toss-up between “Fogo” and “Baignade” - and it was the “Baignade” that I went with (partly because my first two choices had already sold anyway):

The Macassar Ebony (Atrium 7) was very tempting, so was the Cocobolo, but I figured if I’m doing Cocobolo I want them to be as close a match to my Cocobolo Vérité LTD as possible - which means being able to compare them - so I’ll do that in the used market.


Congrats! Those were my favorite pair on offer. I wasn’t in the market this go round, but if I had been, these are the ones I would have been trying to snag!

I was also heavily tempted my the Ebony #3 Verite Closed. Thankfully I managed to maintain my self control this morning.


Gorgeous! I’m sure there are some happy campers today :sunglasses: :+1:

It’s so tempting to get one today, but I already have a Verite African Blackwood/copper, and Atrium aged Cherry/copper :laughing:

There’s still some left!

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Tried my best to resist, but I knew I would be jumping into the Atrium pool at some point. I may have to make some room now, though, as I couldn’t resist the lure of Ebony:


Absolute beauties! Incredible works of art!
Atrium continues to blow my mind!

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Nice, resistance is futile!

I’m listening to mine right now :+1:

Got my order in today too, very excited!


Is that the one you ordered?

Oh my what a stunning set of headphones. I love the colour blue.

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Those are incredible! I wasn’t in the market because I already own a pair of Aged Cherry / Aged Copper Atrium, but those are my favorite of all the Hot Cup Summer headphones!


I was lucky enough to get the Paradox Atrium which was my #1 choice. Other options I was interested in were Eila and Baignade. This will be my first pair of ZMFs, and I can’t wait for them to arrive. Skedra mentioned making a paradox themed cable so will probably be going for that as well.


Those are unbelievably beautiful. Congrats!

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IMHO this is the prettiest example of a headphone that starts out gorgeous, no matter what wood is used, because of that beautiful screen.

The blue-tinted wood + SS hardware just destroy me…

I think you made a wise choice…


That’s a beautiful set. Funny how your original comment was looking for “orange or red” and you ended up with something totally different, yet still dashing. Reminds me of how I was deadset on a purple stabilized VC and ended up with a green set that I wouldn’t trade for anything. :grin:


Almost feel like they should have called that Mardi Gras, but Paradox is such a cool name. Everything about that set is stunning. :slight_smile:


Tastes and “in-the-moment” desires change …

Either the “Nuotare” or the “Paradox” would have worked for me, despite neither being particularly “red” (though I’ll be messaging @Christof about their “Paradox” set … at least when I’m onshore).

I sent Zach an email about getting at “matching” set of red/orange Cocobolo Atrium to match my Vérité … he did me VERY proud there previously (and my prior Pheasantwood and Ziricote sets were both gorgeous …).


So true. Green is not typically my color, but the juxtaposition of a natural wood streak + a shade of green reminiscent of oxidized copper brought layers of personal metaphorical meaning to my VC. I discovered an appreciation I’d have never anticipated.

That’s a gorgeous Verite–very vibrant stripes and swirls. I have a Cocobolo Auteur (black hardware) that is much more uniform in color with smaller grains–more handsome than exotic.

It’s really cool how much individual character there is in different wood stock. I’m really thrilled at how many absolute stunners Zach and co have been churning out. Your VCs were the only other stabilized sets I knew of before I got mine, and for a time I had mixed feeling about being absolutely smitten with my set, but a little guilty than nobody else got to experience that joy. Now there are a good number of stabilized and epoxy sets out there, plus that Atrium grille makes every set look like a million bucks. I’m happy with my Bubinga Atrium for being one of the first to hit the wild, although any number of these Hot Cups are better looking, to be honest. All in all, though, that silly guilt is gone now, and I feel glad to share in pride of ownership with other lucky members of the ZMF Family.

I hope you get your matching Atrium. Seems like their production volume is cranking up, and I don’t know how easy it is for them to handle custom requests, but I do know how much they love taking care of their customers. Fingers crossed that the right piece of tree turns up. :grin: