Hello Zach, hello Bevin!
I would like to
—— apologize in all forms ——
that I suspected the error of a pending delivery of an “Aged Cherry” headphone with you.
An hour ago I spoke to Thomas from https://headphonecompany.com/ and he explained to me the error sources that happened on his side and apologized to me for this unfortunate situation.
First of all, I have to say that I am still very much looking forward to the Atrium. Because high-quality biocellulose drivers hit my acoustic G-spot, so to speak
That’s why, when I ordered the Atrium and when Zach announced that the Closed-Back version of the Atrium would see the light of day later in the year, I decided to order the first LTD version that would be released, ——-„blind“——- as well.
So Zach, Bevin, as soon as these headphones come out, you can immediately send a LTD version of this to Thomas, noting that it’s for me, he’ll know and then send ist forward to me right away .
(actually I mean it seriously)
Because Thomas is my man for headphones and in-ears in Germany and all of Europe, especially some of the US-Models that are otherwise really not easy to organize here in Germany.
For example:
and more in the pipeline!
So far I had had very good experiences with him and that will not really change in the future.
Mistakes are human, and if we can fix them quickly, we all learn from them.
I’ll try to raise less dust in the future. Apologies to everyone involved!