Right on. That type of dynamic is what I’m looking for, mood and music genre dependent. I’ve spent some time with the Utopia and enjoyed them. Maybe I should revisit.
I’ve had an Eikon for the past 6 months or so and I love the sound. It’s definitely the best headphone I’ve owned.
I’ve heard that many of the ZMF headphones benefit from a tube amp and so I’m curious.
I’d be looking to get both a DAC and tube amp for under $1500. Anyone here have any suggestions from personal experience?
I’m thinking of maybe a Topping D50 and a Bottlehead Crack? I’ve never owned a tube amp, so I don’t really know the space.
Hey @QuasiSpecies how are you!? Do you have any other headphones you will be using? Have you determined what you would like to bring to your headphones as far as quality of sound by adding a new Dac/amp?
Great questions MRphotography. The tube amp would be exclusively for the Eikons.
To be honest, I’m not really sure of what I’m looking for in terms of sound. I’m pretty naive when it comes to tubes. I guess I’m looking to increase the natural character of the Eikons and increase the soundstage. More than anything I’m looking for synergy with the Eikons (if that’s possible).
I listen to a pretty broad range of music including, classical, jazz, funk, pop, rock, and hip-hop. Not much electronic music.
The DAC is just a means to an end, but if there are any stand out do’s or do not’s I’d love to hear them.
I am going to let others chime in that have heard the Eikon @QuasiSpecies as I haven’t heard it yet. I currently have the Verite Open and Aeolus on hand from ZMF. I wanted to ask those questions to help others possibly make a synergistic recommendation for you. @bpcarb @ProfFalkin @Deepy all either have owned or currently own the Eikon.
Thanks I appreciate the call for reinforcements
I had the Dragon Inspire IHA-1, Feliks Elise, Crack, and EC ZDS; the Lyr 3, and Mjolnir 2, as well as a few other loaner tube & hybrid amps paired up with the Eikon at one point or another. The soundstage improvements were usually only moderate on tube amps, with the exception of the ZDS. Atticus saw more improvements here, as did Auteur. Not sure why, but that’s what I recall. As for tone, some OTL amps can naturally roll off a little bit of the sub-bass, which may not be entirely desired, I’ll let you judge if that that is critical for you or not.
I was also fairly disappointed with the gains the IHA-1 and Elise were supposed to bring, but didn’t, over the much less expensive Crack.
You can expect improvement, but don’t ever anticipate that they’ll be as wide sounding as an open back headphone with good staging. I just don’t think that’s the Eikon’s thing. Luckily, Eikon is fairly spacious sounding for a closed back to begin with, so you may get what you’re after.
Some of the better pairings were the Crack + SB, Mj2, ZDS (sooo good), and Lyr 3.
If I had to put together an Eikon DAC/Amp stack for $1500 or less, tube focused, I would probably suggest these:
Bifrost 2 > Bottlehead Crack + SB
Bifrost 2 > Lyr 3
Hmmm… although I haven’t heard it myself… I might even go out on a limb and say the Feliks Espressivo MKII might be a good option. I understand Zach recommends it. I have heard it would pair better with a leaner sounding DAC, so Modi 3+ / D50 / whatever, although I don’t have any problems recommending the Bifrost 2 here either. (Bifrost is just that good imo.)
Hope you find what you are looking for!
I use my Eikons BF2 -> SW51+, but the amp requires a 3+ month wait to get.
Assuming that’s a none started I’d go BF2->Tuba, it’s what I used before I got the SW51+, and it’s pretty much a toss up which I prefer with NOS tubes in both.
As much as I like the Crack+SB, I couldn’t live with it as my only amp, it’s a nice change of pace, but it’s a bit wet sounding for me.
The Eikons never going to sound as open as an open back, and I wouldn’t expect dramatic improvements in staging with entry level tube amps.
When I owned the Eikon, I used it with the Schiit Bifrost 2 and LTA MZ2 and found it to be an excellent pairing (particular when I swapped out the stock tubes).
When comparing amps side by side at the Schiitr, I liked the Eikon with the BF2 and Valhalla 2 stack.
I’ve heard good things about the Shortest Way 51+, if you’re willing to wait. If not, I like the Tuba and Feliks Audio Echo or Espressivo suggestions.
For DACs, I recommend the BF2 if your budget permits, otherwise the Schiit Modius. If you opt for the Modius, your budget will allow you to consider amps such as the LTA MZ2 and Quicksilver headphone amp (I haven’t gotten my ears on the latter, but it’s gotten good reviews).
Note that Schiit has a 15-day return policy. Upscale Audio sells Feliks and has a 60-day return policy.
Good luck.
I had the Eikon with a Torpedo, which is a hybrid tube amp. It didn’t do a lot for staging, but gave it a slighly softer presentation compared to my Questyle cma400i solid state amp.
You are very welcome, that is what the community is all about @QuasiSpecies !!!
I just wanted everyone to know that I ended up with a Bottlehead Crack + Speedball. I’m on my maiden voyage with the amp as I type (Khraungbin Live @ Villain).
No analysis yet, just a happy man melting into the music.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and recommendations!
Well guys I’ve had the Eikon for about a month or so now, and I’ve been reading a lot less of the forums and looking for upgrades for my system. I’m very happy with the sound, especially amping from the Liquid Carbon X. I switched from the lambskin pads to the Suede Eikon pads. I think sometimes I miss the extra excitement in the treble and bass with the lambskin pads, but the suede pads sound very smooth and present a more forgiving treble.
I sold my Hifiman Ananda and Tr-X00 Ebonies to fund the Eikon, and honestly it’s kind of a mix of my favorite things about those headphones. It’s not as bass heavy as the Ebony, not as wide or balanced as the Ananda, but very satisfying in those categories, and better in most others.
I was lusting for a Bottlehead Crack or Felise Echo, however I think I’ll wait for a more substantial upgrade, maybe a Pendent or Mainline. I’m happy with what I have now, and I can save some money by just enjoying the music!
Postmodern Jukebox is a new addiction of mine! I like a good cover and the live instruments sound great with the Eikon!
I have a Bottlehead Crack that I paired with my Eikon and the synergy was fantastic! I would, however, love to get my ears around a Pendant.
Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried Verite pads on Eikon, or is Universe the best way to put some treble energy into Eikon?
I have not and believe Uni pads are the brightest based on ZMF posted guidance. It’s possible Verite pads go brighter, but maybe at the expense of other unfavorable sonic impact. You might want to ask Zach.
I think I will ask Zach. I never felt this way before the RAAL, but I am finding the Eikon just a little too low in treble/detail now and wonder if it is association or proximity to the detail monsters. I love these cans and will probably never let them go, but its like being across the table with Jessica Chastain without my glasses on.
I hear you and that makes sense. Substitute for Christina Hendricks.
Whoa. I googled that name and found that my glasses were rather unnecessary.
Actually a better image for the Eikon maybe!