Bakoon AMP-13R / Enleum AMP-23R Discussion

What’s the verdict on the AMP-13R vs AMP-23R sound-wise?
Does the Bakoon have the same lower mid thickness that gets in the way of total clarity?

Speaking of, I found that using the DAC-21 via SATRI did not exhibit that thickness and sounds fantastic. A better pairing than my Wavedream XLR Edition, which is a first.
The DAC-21 is a great DAC in its own right, but it’s never been able to quite match the Wavedream with any other amp, until now.

I’m in a weird situation at the moment (first world problem, to be sure):
I bought the AMP-23R hoping it would replace both the Ferrum Oor + Hypsos (for Susvara) and the ECP T4 (for dynamics: JAR660S & Atrium). If it failed meeting both conditions, I would just sell it.
With the Wavedream, the AMP-23R is not up to the challenge. The R2R richness is too much with the lower mid thickness of the Enleum and brings unwanted muddiness.
With the DAC-21, however, the case could be made for the Enleum replacing the Oor for Susvara.
I’m still not quite sure about the WD + T4 for dynamics, though. It’s very close overall, but I came into this thinking I would sell the Enleum if it didn’t work out, I would never imagine selling the Wavedream, ever.

Decisions, decisions.