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Hi everybody,
I own an Empire Ears Odin and think to buy a ZMF Verité Closed. I will be using it with my Lotoo PAW touch Gold Titanium. Will this work together. Has the Lotoo Ti enough power for the Verité C?
Thank you for your help

I have the BHA-1 and its drives my HD800s, HD820’s without breaking a sweat.

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Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile: I’m not familiar with the Lotoo Ti in particular, but Verite isn’t particularly hard to drive. Verite needs a little less power than a 300ohm Sennheiser, and I would assume any high end DAP would be spec’d to drive those.

I’m not in the loop about the grounding issue… but I love my FA-10


Thank you very much for your reply. I am Looking forward to my VC in this case :+1:

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Happy Cake Day @generic.


Thank you @prfallon69. How did you figure it out so fast? I guess the local time zone must change all the icons. I didn’t even realize it was Cake Day myself.

You and the rest are great.


Best wishes for your cake day @generic


Happy cake day @generic !!


Happy cake day @generic and all the rest…I brought extra cake!!! That cake day list for today is crazy long (279 if I’m not mistaken) :astonished: :birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday: :tada: :partying_face::rofl:


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Thank you I ordered one right after my initial question. Expect it in a few day appreciate your feedback. I actually order a Flux labs Fa-10pro the same day they both should arrive around the same time. I am exited to play with my singxer vs flux vs 789 thx vs Ifi can pro all solid state amps but some class D others class A or AB or tube hybrid like Ifi. Next step in my journey is Pure Tube Amp, so if anyone in the community has some advice on were to start with a tubey tube amp under 2k to start so I can begin researching my first real tube amp. Cheers Rick, and All.

You might want to start here for tube amp ideas:


Thank you you have given me a birds eye view into several different price points along with different types of tube i.e OTL, hybrids, pure class a, AB( push pull). Much appreciated if you come across anything else like that would appreciate I’m gonna check out the moderators series on different price point amps thank you.


Nice. I keep eyeing the Flux.

Does anyone have a recommendation of a clean, linear, transparent amp with power to drive almost anything?

In consideration is the Flux FA-10, Burson Soloist, BHA-1, and the Phonitor XE.

Has anyone trialed multiple of the above? Interested in where you landed and why.

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I have the FA-10 and a Burson Conductor 3XP. I have only had the 3XP for a couple weeks now so I am still getting to know it. I love both of the units!

It seems that every headphone I own (appx 15 pairs) sounds better when played through the Flux. That combination of high wattage and high class A current makes both my “higher end” headphones - Clears, Aeolus, HE6seV2s - and the more “mid-fi” phones (HD650, HD 700, Elears, Elegia, T1v1, DT1990, Nighthawks, Grado SR325) sound better than they do out of any of my other solid state amps.

I basically purchased the 3XP as a DAC. I bought it used and was encouraged by the seller to listen to the built in amp. I am glad for his advice! I really like the sound out of the 3XP. The HE6seV2 is a difficult ‘phone to drive - that’s why I bought the Flux - and quite surprisingly the Burson drives it VERY well with about 6 watts output. I really like its’ sound. As a frame of reference I have an SMSL sp200 which is a THX amps that puts out the same 6 watts and the HE6’s do not sound nearly as good out of it as they out of the FA-10.

I think I like the HE6 better out of the FA-10 than I do the 3XP, but it is REALLY close - may be a little more “body” to the sound. But this is still a moving target as I am getting to know the Burson.

Long story short, I would not hesitate to purchase either the FA-10 or the 3XP again. Though I hate the terminology, these and my Hagerman Tuba tube amp are essentialy my end game. Highest recomendations.


The BHA-1 does not have 1/4 the advertised power of the other 3. It’s is a lovely amplifier, that I enjoy very much, but it might not be for the HE6.

On the other hand, I would not hesitate to drive literally anything else with it.


The power of the BHA-1 comes from the BAL connections. Even using the 1/4 I can drive my HD800’s, HD820. I haven’t tried HE6’s yet as nobody around my area even has any.,

There’s just something magical about Class A amplifiers - well designed ones, of course. I feel the same way you do about my RebelAmp. Those Flux amps certainly seem legit!


I don’t know if you already decided, but whatever it is you got to adjust. Don’t think there’s an endgame amp as each headphone prefers its own amp.

I own the Elegia and HE6SE2. Ironically my Elegia sounds much better with this garbage pro-ject headphone amp and the TA-10R, very much preferring the TA-10R it’s like a new headphone all around and bass that I never new the headphones posses. Not sure why sure someone here can explain.

The HE6SE needs power like crazy, I tried it with the TA-10R and originally the TA-10 was a suggested pairing. It sounds so bad it’s not a joke.

I use the flux labs FA-10 and even though it’s not an amazing amp besides how much it costs and power output that’s probably the best pairing for any power hungry headphones unless you want to spend a lot.

So with all this in mind, there maybe an endgame amp per headphone based on what you have.

Otherwise I’m sure there’s plenty that can cover 95% of the headphones out there. Which I won’t be able to tell you. Rebel Amp??? Asgard 3 for budget/balanced use???

Was just scrolling through the posts and responding, I know I’m late

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