Munich High-End 2024

They were! We filmed some impressions and talked to the Shanling team about them. Should be posted in the next little bit!


Any impressions on Noble Audio FoKus Apollo Wireless Hi-Fi Headphones?



Sorry to bother you. But if you had to compare it with the other high end closed backs, how do you think do they compare? Maybe to a Aeon 2 Noire and a LCD XC Closed by chance?

Looks like you guys are having quite the blast! No Cambridge Audio Bus this year ? :cry:

Thanks for the photo dump. What are the panel speakers in the room with the purple light?

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There you go :smiley:


I bloody love that Bus. And the team inside the bus are really cool too :smiley:

Thank you!!!

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Thanks @Resolve for the hype free meet impressions. Such a refreshing change from the audiophile norm.

If I lived in the US I’d only buy from because they support the best reviewer in the game .


Yeah the Cambridge Audio team are a breath of fresh air in an environment that tends to be quite stale and stodgy! Even if you aren’t interested in their products it’s always worth popping by whatever room (or bus) they are set up in just to chat with the team and see how they’ve decided to set things up!


This Shangri-La Mini interests me. I wonder how it is different from the SL Jr? I’ve heard SL Jr, wasn’t impressed. I’ve heard SL Sr, think it might be the best e-stat I’ve ever heard (HE-1 notwithstanding). Seems perfectly in character for Hifiman to release a “Junior” and a “Mini” without clear differentiation, though. lol

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I’m waiting for the SL Turbo.

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I only tried it for a couple songs, so here you are:

-Build is sturdy and light, classy not flashy
-The crossover is not readily apparent, sound signature is coherent but you can tell the highs are planar in a good way. They are a tiny bit thin and quite clear, I can hear the metallic pluckiness of the strings.
-Volume is a bit low for my liking
-Midbass is good, sub bass could use a little oomph
-I have to listen for a longer time to really parce out the mids usually, lower mids a bit thin maybe? I’m used to the focal clear

Overall I like it enough to buy it, it has more air than the bathys and more upper mid-high end clarity hands down. I just wish the volume was higher and the sub bass hit a bit harder. If you were to take the upper range of a Sundara or Maxwell and add a DD for the lower/mid range, I imagine it would sound similar. Now if only I can find one in stock here :blush: