Rosson Audio - RAD-0 - Official Thread

Very true.

If you’re ever in doubt, don’t push it out! I think Mr T might have said that…

Time to go off topic :wink:


If anyone is interested Rosson has some B stock at $1,900 and $2,000 for a few sets, the lowest I’ve ever seen…


Wow! If I wasn’t doing a cross country move in a few weeks, I’d grab one of these.

Worth it for the price direct from Rosson. Like Campfire B-Stock, you probably really can’t tell why they are B-Stock.

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I sure couldn’t tell with mine, they look flawless! I really love how great they are too, they sound fantastic. Tonally right, very resolving, plus great transient attack and slam. They’re a seductive headphone…

And there are some sets for even less $ right now. Not sure what (if anything) to make of it. One is at $1,700!


Oh man, some real great options there! Big fan of 263 and 428. The RAD-0s are something that will always be a permanent part of my desk, wherever that desk will be. There’s just something about the sound that is intoxicatingly brilliant to me.


It’s dat BASsSSsSS


It’s the bass for sure (as a resident audiophile basshead here) but also how it manages to do everything else so well!


Until we get my personal set finished. Alex and Taylor kindly loaned me this beautiful wood unit.

Combined with the Forge, it’s the pairing out of everything I have, that’s for sure!


Does anyone have a review in the works for MPL-0?

Your pointer was my first view of it. The price is so much lower - does anyone know if it uses different drivers, or is it so much easier and cheaper to finish wood? I would think knot… so there must be other changes.

I asked customer support a while back, and this was their reply:

The rings used with MPL-0 are maple wood that resonates at a different frequency than the resin rings used with the RAD-0’s. The difference is almost not audible and it’s subjective. My opinion is that the wood resonates with a warmer tone. Some might say the RAD-0’s come off as slightly brighter but again it is subjective and too close to say one is better than the other as they both use the same transducer. I am trying not to be biased and I hope this helps.

Please let me know if you have any other questions



That’s really interesting, I wonder if it’s similar to the audible (or not) differences between hard and soft wood versions of the same ZMF headphone.


How much of an effect is this?

Zach did once post, regarding a 400-Janka wood, how it had very little (if any) noticeable difference compared to a 2000 wood esp on open designs. I thought that was interesting since I have zero experience A/B’ing the same phones from different woods.

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This should probably go into the ZMF thread, but from what I’ve been told, it’s more noticeable with closed back ZMFs. I’ve only ever compared 2 Atrium Closed, an olive (hard wood) and cherry (soft) and the difference in bass decay was very clear. I’m guessing that it was very obvious with the AC because it was designed to accentuate the bass in the first place.

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There was a relatively easilly identified difference between the VC in monkeypod and iron wood, the latter sounded quicker with less decay.
But there was also a massive difference in weight, and you need to take that into account from a usability standpoint

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I thought I’d move the conversation to the RAD-0 thread.

@pinecone The strap you bought from Etsy is the one that the rest of us use. Are you saying it helps, but you still get pain after a while, or it doesn’t help at all? I’m hotspot-free now, so I wonder if it’s just differences in our heads :rofl:

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I still feel a hotspot with the strap, but it doesn’t hurt as much as the hotspot I get with the headband. I also feel the hotspots as soon as I put the headphones on.

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Hello. I would like to upgrade the stock cables but the fit tissue with the 3.5 TRS connector is making this difficult. Has anyone found a good solution for a high end cable replacement for these? Thank you

Full response here.

Beyond which, I know Moon Audio makes a dedicated RAD-0 cable (it’s wired correctly). I don’t know if the connectors they use are the right diameter to fit the cable entry in a way that has the shell supporting the connector, however.

Also, that’s not an endorsement. I am not a fan. I don’t care for the aesthetics or feel of their cables.

If I was going to do a cable for these, I’d want to get the connectors (or the manufacturer and part number) from Rosson. No idea if they’d provide that information. Absent it, I’d want to verify with the vendor making the cable that their connectors both fully engage, have the correct pin-out AND are properly supported in the cup (not just hanging off the TRS connection).