And my “current amp” is a Kenzie OG
And I do appreciate that my 2500 dac “doesn’t suck”
would you mind providing an update ?
@anon36506748, I was thinking about purchasing a Lyr 3 to add some diversity to my amp collection and noticed you’re using it with the Modius and Elegia. How is that combination treating you?
@xiaoyaoyou, 14 months later, and I’ve been down the rabbit hole. I quickly updated my Modius to a Bifrost 2 (great investment) and the Lyr 3 was great but after being bitten by the tube bug, I now have an ampsandsound Kenzie Ovation as my main amp along with the ZMF Verite Opens.
The Modius, Lyr 3, and Elegia were a great combination and I thought it sounded great. I don’t have any of them any longer though. I can say that it could very easily have been a long-term solution and it sounded wonderful.
Unfortunately, the hobby has me in its grasp now…
Thank you for the update. While you no longer have the equipment I asked about, knowing that it is a potential long-term configuration that is very helpful. I really like the Bifrost 2’s additional features over the Modius (my home setup is an Asgard 3 + Bifrost 2, which moved my Modius to work).
I totally understand the trouble once a hobby has you in its grasp - photography is my drug of choice and has tempered my spending on audio equipment.
I don’t know if this is exactly on point as it relates to your question, but the Lyr 3/Bifrost 2 makes a great combination with my Focal Clear OG. It’s a nice synergistic pairing with the Focal imo…
After seeing the update about the Bifrost 2, I decided to check out the closeouts page, where I saw a bunch of Lyr 3s. I then decided to check out the Lyr page and saw the following:
Hey all, Lyr+ is coming in 4-6 weeks, with tube or solid state Fusion Architecture, relay ladder volume, and remote control. It’ll be $599 and won’t take modular cards. If you’re still looking for Lyr 3, check out the closeouts page to see what we have available.
I’ve been thinking about exploring tube so I signed up for notification. Relay ladder volume and remote control sound really intriguing (compare Topping A90 Discrete).
Comments on the 2022 Schiit LISST solid-state “tube” in the Lyr 3
I acquired Schiit’s reintroduced LISST and have been running it in my Lyr 3 for the last couple days.
Testing with the Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 800S
The Lyr 3 isn’t a technical amp but the LISST produces the most technical sound I’ve heard from it. The tone is roughly neutral and reflective of the DAC and headphones. Nothing stands out to my ears.
The LISST gives the very gentle Lyr 3 a slightly harder attack, sharper edges, and more definition, but it remains milder than typical solid state amps. The LISST has a respectably wide soundstage – this contrasts with the narrowness of some true tubes.
The LISST has a pleasant resonant/harmonic timbre that’s not overpowering and that works with many genres. My thoughts went to spatialized audio, where digital processing simulates surround sound from two speakers. However, the LISST/Lyr 3 sounds natural rather than artificial.
A LISST contains a couple MOSFETs and gets fairly hot when the Lyr 3 warms up (30 minutes). I can touch and hold the casing but just barely. Regular tubes run slightly hotter, and I also hesitate to touch them because they are glass.
Summary: I’m enjoying the LISST/Lyr 3 combo and am more likely to use this setup than several of my soft, rounded, gentle, and gooey tubes (not to mention the worn or temperamental tubes). The Lyr 3 benefits from definition and bite, and my Lyr had been collecting dust for quite a while.
Appendix: Schiit very firmly warns against using the LISST in non-Schiit amps but I plan try it eventually.
Have you run premium tube 5692 in the Lyr3? Wonder if that gets closer to the LISST.
Does the LISST cool as fast as a glass vacuum tube? That always amazed me how fast heated vacuum tubes cooled after being deactivated.
Thanks for the great summary.
I have no 5692s. I have about a dozen 6SN7s, to include some of the most frequently recommended models. To my ears, the vintage black glass Ken-Rad is the most solid state-like 6SN7 that I own.
I think the LISST’s outer shell is thin pressed aluminum. As the Lyr 3 is made from aluminum too and as the entire amp gets quite hot in use, I don’t perceive any differences from glass in cooling.
Thanks for the nice words.
Maybe I’m the only one who requested to get a Lyr+ notification, but never got one. Regardless the Lyr+ is now listed in the web store shipping in 1-3 days.
I have one on the way!
same here, I also never got notified
love to hear what you think of it later
I’m curious why you want the Lyr+. What do you believe is superior to the Lyr3?
The biggest advantage over the Lyr 3 is that the Lyr+ is available. I don’t own a Lyr 3.
The new features of the Lyr+ also appeal to me. Because I’m a tube noob, I intend to use it in both tube and solid state modes.
Will it sound better in tube mode than the Lyr3? Maybe but as long as it doesn’t sound worse, I’m in.
Sorry for the question, I thought you had the Lyr3 and were “upgrading”.
Thanks for the answer. I hope you enjoy.
I’m comparing the Lyr 3 / LISST to the RebelAmp with the HD 800 S.
The RebelAmp has more extended treble and is a bit cleaner/less resonant than the Lyr 3, but they are about 95% similar. This is expected for two strong Class A solid state amps that differ by a couple MOSFETs. The Lyr is slightly more laid back while the RebelAmp is a bit more precise and versatile.
Ok I posted initial impressions over on the Lyr+ thread. I intended it to be brief.
I’ve just received my LISST after an extra week’s delay due to some “issues” that Schiit was having. I’ve put the Treasure Globe aside for now, and my initial impressions are good. The Lyr3 with LISST is … different. I didn’t have bad soundstage with the Treasure Globe, which was the only tube in the limited number I tried that was clearly better than the RCA 5692 or my now defunct “bad boy”. And those were very very slightly better than the stock tube.
As expected, there is not an OMG, hit you over he head change. The Lyr3 seems a bit more alert. Slightly more crisp. With the 6xx, there is no trace of Sennheiser veil. My Lyr3 is definitely running cooler, and after 15-20 minutes the LISST can easily be touched. Perhaps this can vary a bit depending on placement of the amp and ventilation.
I agree with your original post, regarding more technicality in the sound. Recently I have been listening to the FiiO K9 Pro ESS version with a THX AAA 788+ amplification stage. While I listen to the Lyr 3 attached to the Bifrost 2/64 I know that I’m not going to have a perfect comparison, but I think it is apples to apples, albeit Honeycrisp to Granny Smith. The FiiO - on the one hand has both a crisp, but less dimensional DAC, and a technical, but slightly toned-down amp. The Bifrost 2/64 is very detailed - but I listen to it more through the STAX amp, I think the LISST gives the Lyr 3 a definitely more solid state sound than the STAX and more than it was with the tubes.