Schiit Audio - Official Thread

I agree and you ain’t lying. You cracked the code. A Vali 2 even might provide more of a contrast at the expense of technical performance compared to the 2+. Nice setup.


Nice setup! That’s almost exactly my setup too, substitute Asgard 2 for 3 and mine’s identical. My Vali 2 is retired, no longer in the chain. Maybe I should hook it up again and re-evaluate, or sell it.

To my ears the Lyr 3 does have a better soundstage, and kind of the ultimate in authority, probably due to its large power reserves.

This schiit is so much fun! (our hobby that is :sunglasses:)


Hi all–new poster here (but frequent contributor over on the Roon forum), hoping for some good advice. I’ve used Schiit amps and DACs for quite awhile, and my current desktop system is a Modi Multibit–>Loki equalizer–>Magni 3 amp.

But I’m the new owner of a lovely pair of Focal Stellia headphones, now looking for some high value to cost Schiit gear to drive them, aiming to move up from the Modi/Magni combo. I’m thinking of either a Jotunheim 2 amp with the multibit DAC module OR a Modius/Magnius stack (in both cases I’d use the balanced output). I’ve seen great reviews of both, so I’m having trouble deciding. (I’d love to pair the Jotunheim amp with a Bifrost 2 DAC, but that combination is beyond my budget at the moment.)

What are the pros and cons of each of these systems?

Thanks for your thoughts! – Bill


If u can afford the Jot 2 + the Bifrost 2 u would have a wonderful setup that will last for years and give u a spectacular perfomance.

That said If i had the wonderful Stellias I would get the Bifrost 2 and a Lyr 3 or Asgard 3. Only SE but still stellar amps.

If you cant afford this but want a multibit setup get one of the above with the internal multibit dac.

Another route is the Magnius and Modius…but I would prefer a multibit dac .

Nothing wrong with a Bifrost 2 and a Magnius amp…save some cost etc.

Also take a look at the Schiit Deals page u can save some bucks going the b stock route…I have several B stock items and all are just fine.

Good luck in your search!


The general consensus is the Jot2 is great. Powerful, and a little warmer than clinical. The reviews of the built in dac are not as stellar, thus the recommendation to use the amp with a bifrost2.

I have the Modius / Magnius, and it is clean, clean clean. If it sins, it sins by omission rather than addition.

The law of diminishing returns in audio means that each step up from a decent level has a smaller impact than the step before. You may want to buy the Modius Magnius, listen to the stelia, and then decide if you need / want more, and then make that move based off you feelings about the headphones. Perhaps you will want them warmer, or you will want bass, or you will be happy and never want to buy another piece of audio gear.

Quit laughing. It could happen! It just never seems to for me.



Modius Magnius will be clean and transparent at risk of being clinical, sterile, harsh. It will have Unison USB.

Jot 2 is considered to be a more engaging listen, has more power, and offers more varied sound signatures between the balanced and singled ended outputs. It will not have Unison USB.

I prefer separates based on my comparisons. For a similar budget you can get a Jot 2 plus Modius or Modi Multibit or Modi 3+ – depending on your needs for balanced, Unison USB, and preference for Multibit vs delta sigma.

I’d offer up the Modi Multibit plus Vali 2+ as an option, with Amperex/BEL 6922 or Electro Harmonix 6CG7 tube.

@MokhaMark is in the process of comparing the Modi Multibit and Modi 3+, so perhaps stay tuned for his impressions.

See additional comments:

I’d prob opt for focusing your budget on the Jot 2 no module and stick with your Modi Multibit, especially if you don’t need Unison USB.

Good luck.


I had all 3 of those Dacs and I have to say I think the Modius is the best of them. The modi Multibit had some things going for it, but it’s older tech from Schiit. More like an original bifrost. The Modius is more resolving, cleaner. The MM is a little muddy in my opinion. I noticed this in the A1 Gumby I had as well. Modi 3 is definitely a distant 3rd. Bifrost 2 rules them all, but modius is the value play.
Honestly, if you’re looking for value, I’d buy a Modius and a b-stock Asgard 2. The full class A would warm up the Modius, and you’re only spending 320 total for a great entry level system.


I’ve owned and compared Modius and Modi Multibit side by side. I preferred the texture and detail of the latter, even if slower transients. I don’t need Unison USB. Those needing balanced and Unison and latest and greatest tech should get the Modius. My ears told me to get the Modi Multibit.

@jthvac I do like your $320 suggestion. For someone not needing balanced, I’m curious about the difference between the Modi 3+ and Modius.

Good to know about Gumby A1. I’ve been curious about single ended performance comparisons between BF2, Gumby A1 A2, Yggy GS, Yggy A1 A2.

Many value permutations with Schiit. You can’t go too wrong across the lineup.


I agree on the texture part @bpcarb just not the detail. No disrespect intended. We just hear things differently. I’m not wearing your ears, and you’re not wearing mine.
I also agree, there’s value everywhere in the Schitt line.
Their stuff is hard to beat at each price point. Someday I’ll have a Yggdrasil. But love my BF2


Indeed. No disrespect taken and I also did not intend to disrespect or challenge. We hear things differently and it also may vary depending on the rest of chain.

Enjoy the music. I think I’ve tracked your gear trafficking and curious where you will end up!

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Me too! However my wife doesn’t want to know

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There will always be a Schiit Stack in there though

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It’s nearly midnight where I am and I’ve not thought this through properly but I have a suggestion. If it’s half-baked (or not baked at all) my apologies in advance.

My sense from reading the forums is that most people agree that the multibit DAC modules tend not to perform as well as the standalone Modi Multibit DACs. Based on the advice above, you’re essentially trying to figure out which combination of Modi Multibit or Modius, on the one hand, makes for the best synergy with either the Magnius or the Jot 2.

I’m not one to advocate buying stuff only to send it back but given that Schiit’s restocking fee is just 5% (and is designed so that people can try out gear), would it be worth buying all four items, taking a couple of days off work, and having a glorious audition of all the different combinations of these components?

Even if you were to send back the two most expensive items, the Jot 2 and the Modi Multibit, the restocking fee would be just over $30. Obviously you’d have to factor in shipping, and that might be prohibitively expensive depending on where you live. But let’s say doing this sets you back $50-75, would it be a price worth paying to ensure that you get the right setup (and the peace of mind knowing you picked out the best combination for you)?

Edit: yep, I’m tired and should refrain from posting at the end of a long day: the restocking fee is 15%, my apologies, so this might not be worth it.

Edit 2: ok, so Schiit’s website states that the Jot 2’s restocking fee is 5% whereas the Modi Multibit is 15%. So I’m only half-wrong (or just a half-wit?)


So in regards to Modi3 vs modius, long ago (June 2020) my daughter complained that the old man was playing his music too loud, so I decided to buy some Headphones. So after some research, I decided to buy my first Headphone setup. It was a Schiit Asgard3, modi 3 and Grado SR125e’s. A couple of weeks later the Modius came out and I exclaimed “Schiit!” Just out of the return period. I bought one anyway and it was immediately, and noticeably better. Hands down the winner.
I can understand liking the Multibit better, but it’s night and day Modi3 vs modius in my opinion. Does it sound twice as good? Probably not, but it’s better.

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The personal audio industry thanks your daughter.

That’s a nice first setup.

The Modius offers so much goodness, as does the Asgard 3.

I get your sentiment. Sometimes 20 percent better seems like night and day.

To me, night and day is immediately noticable. It doesn’t have to be a huge difference, just immediate. A lot of the stuff as you climb the ladder is more subtle. The upgrade from the modi to modius to me, is not subtle.

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So my dac journey went modi 3, modius, gumby A1, modi Multibit, bifrost 2. I’ve tried a couple of non-schiit Dacs and hated them. Saving up for a Yggdrasil.
*Note watch the “what’s in the box” thread this week. There’s an exception to every rule!


When you factor in Schiit’s typical resale values it may make more sense to just sell it rather than return it. One might also buy used to avoid depreciation – just pay shipping.


My experience is that Schiit stuff tends to sell much closer to retail on the secondary market than most products. Some items don’t retain a high value, but you can typically get the same as the return value, and someone else can get a bit of a deal on something they wanted to try out. I just saw a Jot2 go for $390.


That’s surprising to hear in some ways. Is the warranty transferable? If not, why save $10 only to lose the very generous 5 year warranty?

I buy nearly all my gear used but I’d be prepared to pay full whack for the Bifrost 2 to get the warranty (in this case because it would probably be the last DAC I’d get for at least 5 years, if not for longer).

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