Schiit Folkvangr OTL amp

@AudioMaine have you got your Folkvangr yet?

Curious what others think of it and what headphones anyone’s tried.
I really really like 800s with it. As we’ve discussed elsewhere about burn in… I don’t know if I’m just acclimating to them or the tubes are changing but it seems to be getting better.
Spent the last couple nights listening to…


I won’t ramble on in detail about either of these albums. Very different albums obviously but with the Hd800s they were both just so….immersive and inviting.

I don’t really know how to describe it exactly but do you ever read or dink around on your phone/tablet while your listening to music and sometimes the music is so engaging you just have to set your phone in your lap, close your eyes and just get fully into the music? Well that’s been happening **a lot ** with the 800s/Folkvangr combo for me. Really diggin it!