Schiit Jotunheim - Headphone Amplifier - Official Thread

Well you know you could send a note to Schiit and aske the question!!

No matter.


I already did!

If I get a reply I will share…


I haven’t observed any weaknesses yet to my ears. Is it perfect? I’m not sure one exists. It capably performs and is versatile. Does it exceed the sonic ceiling of my LTA MZ2 with select tubes? Not for me, but the Jot 2 is a winner, and I look forward to continuing to own it.

The biggest difference to date between the MZ2 and Jot 2 is that the former has more holography and depth to the stage, larger sonic images, more micro-detail, greater focus and resolution. Such should not be a surprise given tube vs solid state, and the ZOTL design/circuit even against other tube amps (push pull vs single ended, among other things).

If pressed to quantify how much of the way the Jot 2 gets to my MZ2 with select tubes (RCA 6SN7GT VT-231 military blackplate grey glass and Telefunken 12AT7), it’s somewhere between 60 and 85 percent. I might be a tough or easy grader though. The MZ2 with tubes also costs more than 4x. For reference, I don’t think the MZ2 is the last word and I intend to complement it with a Class A single ended triode tube rectified no feedback amp, similar to your DNA or ampsandsound as you know.

I believe the toobish is associated with the division of the differential output and resulting distortion. Per Jason on head-fi:

And some people will note that the single-ended outputs don’t measure as well as the balanced outputs. Yeppers, 100% right. That’s what happens when you use one phase of a balanced output and lose all the distortion cancellation from a differential topology.

Aside: it also gives you a distortion profile that’s reminiscent of a tube amp. Hmmmmmmmmmm….

But is this a bug or a feature? Maybe the single-ended output sounds a bit softer and tubier because of its distortion profile. Or maybe all distortion is sufficiently below the transducer distortion that you can’t hear it at all, in which case the argument is moot. Or maybe most people choosing a differential amp will typically be using it with balanced headphones, and the single-ended output is a convenience.

In any case, this is literally the same approach we took with the original Jotunheim, and the approach we used in Ragnarok, and the approach we used in Magnius, because that’s what our customers said they preferred—using one half of the differential output, rather than summing to single-ended.


Jot 2:
THD: <0.00015%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 4V RMS, 300 ohms
IMD: <0.0002%, CCIR, at 4V RMS, 300 ohms
THD: <0.0004% 20-20kHz at 2V RMS, 32 ohms
IMD: <0.0006%, CCIR, at 2V RMS, 32 ohms
SNR: >123db, unweighted, referenced to 4V RMS
Crosstalk: >-85dB, 20 Hz-20KHz, 300 ohms
Crosstalk: >-70dB, 20 Hz-20KHz, 32 ohms

Single ended:

THD: <0.006%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 2V RMS, 300 ohms
IMD: <0.007%, CCIR, at 2V RMS, 300 ohms
THD: <0.03% 20-20kHz at 1V RMS, 32 ohms
IMD: <0.035%, CCIR, at 1V RMS, 32 ohms
SNR: >102db, unweighted, referenced to 2V RMS
Crosstalk: >-85dB, 20 Hz-20KHz, 300 ohms
Crosstalk: >-70dB, 20 Hz-20KHz, 32 ohms

Gosh the SE distortion spec even for SE look pretty good IMO?



Yup, still good, even if more than balanced. All I know is that it beguiles my ears, including the current situation. My MZ2 hasn’t been turned on today.

The Jot 2 is intended be versatile. Among the 8 different configurations across balanced and SE inputs, balanced and SE outputs, high and low gain - I sometimes find differences in the sonic presentation, e.g., relaxed vs energetic, laid back vs forward, dynamic compression, congestion, stage, transients, noise floor, tone, the amount of there there. It can be slight and sometimes not noticeable. Depending on the album or even track, I might have a different preferred configuration. I believe I prefer balanced out paired with balanced in, and then SE out paired with SE in, but that is something I need to spend more time with. This amp is versatile, but it may take a bit of time and effort to dial in. It also may be a challenge to parse through others’ impressions where it is uncertain that they’ve tried all configurations and optimized/dialed in. This is a consequence of the Jot 2 being able to cover sensitive IEMs through hard to drive headphones, where it seems reasonable for a given configuration optimized for one to not be optimized for another.


Marketing not politics. Even with all caps, lol.

Excuse me but " a certain losing politician" is indeed inserting an unnecessary political flavor that is not funny or cute to many of out here…

You have to be blind not to see this…



First hour impressions, stream of consciousness style: (Bifrost 2 > Jotunheim 2 > XLR output, high gain > ZMF Verite Closed, blackwood)

Paradoxical. Lots of oomph in the bass, but seems slightly softer/rounded kind of bass. Mids actually seem a hair recessed. Almost a hollow quality to it. Not dramatically, just ever so slightly. Treble is good quantity wise, but attacks seems rounded. Guitar string plucks seem to lack just a little bite. Almost an Asgard 2 kind of class A feel to the sound overall, without being quite that soft. Does not covey that harsher solid state glare some el’cheap-o amps have. Overall timbre really quite good, and has impact and oomph, just doesn’t seem to have sharp attacks when called for.

Switched back to Jot1 and attacks have bite, bass more defined with slightly less quantity, mids seem lifted by comparison. Treble does seem a bit brighter. Hope that makes sense.

(Bifrost 2 > Jot 2: XLR, High gain > Meze Empy)
Played “I’m on Your Side” by Keb’ Mo’. Scared the shit out of myself. Have you heard a blown speaker? That buzzing/rattling/tizzy sound it makes? Heard that out of the right transducer. The track was audibly fine, but with a blown speaker tizz just slightly softer than the sound of the music. I freaked the FK out. Played “Deja Voodoo” by Kenny Wayne Shepherd same thing. Emergency switch to Jot 1. Blown speaker effect gone. No hint of it. Switched to Yggy > ECP 3F. No problem here, even if I crank the volume.

I don’t like this situation, one bit. Is this a problem with the amp? Why didn’t I hear it on both channels? Checked all cables and wiring, problem persists. Happens on low gain too. Haven’t checked SE output.

Will switch to HD650 and continue to explore. If my 15yo HD650’s blow up, I’ll still cry, but can replace them for far less than $3k.


Sounds like you got a schiity amp. :sweat_smile:


oyy… i just bought one over the weekend. hasnt shipped yet.

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Can’t reproduce the problem on HD650, ZMF Auteur / VC. Will try Emu Teak next, it’s low impedance / high sensitivity like the Empy. Maybe that’s the ticket.

BTW - Jot 2 sounds really good with HD650. Maybe not as magical as the ECP T4, but still.


Daft Punk / G by Moroder, at 4:46, the tizzy is heard on HD650 in right channel. Switched to 3 other amps and replayed this part (and listened super freaking hard - turned off heat in house, put PC on passive cooling only, told the church mice to stfu, you name it) and couldn’t hear it.

Going to contact Schiit support.


Darn, that’s rough and sorry to hear that. I went to that part of the song and wasn’t able to hear it (also silencing the church mice).


Well, your initial sound impressions havent convinced me I need to buy this. Disappointed a touch with the “softness” you are hearing. Did you hear differences between the SE and balanced outs like has been reported?

Seems like a potential dud. Hopefully you can get a redo. Wonder if the issue would have effected your initial impressions in any way? Unlikely.

Thanks for the posting.

@ProfFalkin, sorry that happened. My new J2 just arrived today and I played the Daft Punk and Keb Mo songs on a 6XX (1/4 inch), Verite (1/4 inch) and Aeolus (XLR) and didn’t hear any noise. I was feeding the J2 from a BF2 using RCA cables.

I’ve only had an hour with it, so haven’t had a chance to try it out too much. However, using it single ended with my Verite, the Jot didn’t sound like a “best $2400 amp for $400” giant killer to me, as I slightly preferred my class A Burson Soloist 3X and definitely preferred my Pendant. I do think it’s a very good amp, but the hype train was creating false expectations, at least with me, and it will be good to give it another listen tomorrow with more realistic expectations.

From my limited time with it, I will say that it sounded fantastic with the 6XX. The Aeolus also sounded very good, possibly better than the Verite, and I wonder if that’s because I was using an XLR cable, so I’ll switch the XLR cable over to the Verite tomorrow to see if that makes a difference.


Yeah, I’ll be honest with you, I’m not sure my impressions can be considered valid. I’m 99.9% sure that there’s something wrong with the amp. the impressions are also incomplete because I haven’t tried the single-ended at all.

@PaisleyUnderground - IF… and it is a big IF… if the Jot2 I have actually sounds like a normal production unit (only with that small right channel issue) then I would have to agree. I’m not even sure I like it more than the original Jotunheim, let alone the ECP 3F or Pendant (both of which I used to see if the blown speaker noise was an issue w/ the headphone, amp, or signal).

I haven’t directly compared the two, but I hypothesize that if you absolutely need an Asgard 3 that has balance connections, that’s kind of seems to be what the Jot2 sound is aiming for. Now, the Asgard 3 is a fantastic little amp, and one of my favorites, but it’s not going to displace any of my kilobuck amps.

Anyway, I’m not going to mess with this thing until I get in contact with technical support.


I’m really pleased that it isn’t your Empyrean. Phew, that’s the kind of Schiit I would lose sleep over. Hope you get sorted.


Jason didn’t do himself any favors dropping that $2400 claim; I distinguish between $2400 in versatility/power/design versus $2400 in sonics. I made a comment to someone that the Jot 2 might be all the amp some listeners might need until you get to $2k level headphones, which have greater resolving ability, for better or worse. I hope things get sorted out and people are able to enjoy this $400 solid state amp.


I wonder if that will come back to bite them. I know they like to claim the value proposition but thats a bold assertion that hopefully doesnt become laughable. So far, most impressions are that its OK for a $400 amp. Still early days and would like to hear more of what you folks find listening to it over the next few weeks.


There certainly is a risk that it might come back to bite them and it would be helpful if he elaborated on what he meant exactly. I expect (hope) impressions start to trend above OK once 1 hour is exceeded and people find a configuration that matches with their gear/ears.

Some gear is impressive immediately, but less so over the long term. Other gear is underwhelming immediately, but more impressive over the long term. Let’s see how this amp fares.