No, but I’ve tried each on their own and it’ll be neutral, that’s for sure.
As you already know the RME ADI-2’s 1/4” out is a good headphone amp in its own right. Could be fun for you to compare two different types of “neutral.”
No, but I’ve tried each on their own and it’ll be neutral, that’s for sure.
As you already know the RME ADI-2’s 1/4” out is a good headphone amp in its own right. Could be fun for you to compare two different types of “neutral.”
I’m currently listening to Schumann’s Symphony#1 via the RME balanced out, into the Magnius then to my Sennheiser HD 800 with balanced cable.
I’m using a $35.00 Sony CD player as my transport. ( I probably need to do something about that.)
Yeah, but how does it sound?
I used a PlayStation as a transport for a long time. That Sony might have a nice steady drive.
I keep meaning to post an impressions of the Magnius, but it’s just kinda, clean. And it’s hard to write 500 words about that (without poop jokes, power switch kvetching and anecdotes about chip manufacturers).
Just tell 'em it’s like the guy on the right
I could say that I live in California, where pot is legal, so it sounds “groovy”!
Or I could be serious and say the bass is full and extended, the midrange is pronounced and the highs are non-existent …but that could be a function of my 70 year old hearing.
I’m considering to do something very similar. Main amp is a zmf pendant (and currently much preferred ss) but looking for a solid state alternative to go with both the VC and the HD-800. So looking at something like the magnius or a used Cayin IHA-6, Gustard H16 or an SMSL-SP400. So very much interested in your impressions with the shiit …
First, let me state that I am an unapologetic Schiit fanboy. I currently own, in addition to the Magnius, a Freya OG, a Freya S, a Saga S, a Gungnir Multibit DAC, two Aegir, a Vidar, a Valhalla, a Jotunheim 1, and a Lyr 1. Most of the rest of the Schiit lineup has come and gone.
I will say that if the Magnius had been released before the Jotunheim I probably would never have bought the latter. I wish I could give a better description of the sound signature of the Magnius, but honestly, my 70 year old ears are not up to the task.
Some of the things I can comment on about the Magnius are the top notch build quality, the clean front layout with a top notch potentiometer, and the lack of any power indicator LED, which allows me to leave it on all the time. ( This was a unexpected surprise.)
If you can find another fully balanced, powerful headamp for $200.00, you should do a comparison. But, I’m not sure you will.
Congrats on being a Schiit Fanboy!
I am as well and have had most of the Schiit lineup here at some time…down to a Lyr 3, Jot1, Jot2 Magni 3, Hersey and a Bifrost 2…had a Asgard 1, Asgard 3, Vahalla2, Magnius, Modius, Lyr 1, etc…
They are all great.
Enjoy the Music While You can!!
All the best
aka I am 71!
Looks like @lost33 has gotten some serious competition for the Schiit fan-boy award in this community.
Happy to let the crown go…LOL
You are probably, only temporarily in second place.