Shure 1540 closed-back over-ear Headphones - Official Discussion

Folks, just posted a pad rolling exercise in the HD 650 thread using the spare pads set that came with my SRH1540:


Short name Description
Senn HD 650 with stock pads
SennMod HD 6XX with SRH1540 pads
Shure SRH1540 stock

Fun facts. When direct A/B’ing those cans:

  • Senn vs SennMod: Senn was generally better, except for EDM tracks;
  • SennMod vs Shure:
    • overall tonal balance of the Shure is hugely influenced by its pads. It is like the Shure and the SennMod sounded (almost) the same. Crazy, right?
    • Shure was a better listen in a direct A/B comparison. SennMod was not tuned for these alcantara pads.
  • After the above, I became a believer of pad rolling. :exploding_head:

Nonetheless, it was a fun exercise.

Anyone else tried pad rolling with the SRH1540? I may try the Dekoni offering sometime later this year.

EDIT: just posted a tear down and port mod for these cans here:

Cheers. :beers:

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