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Godspeed, @hottyson. :cake:

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Thanks you generic!.

Thank you frkasper!.

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I still have half an hour left to wish you a happy :cake: day @hottyson


Thank you PaisleyUnderground!

Is it too late? I still see a :birthday:

Happy :cake: day @hottyson !

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Belated Hotty :cake: day!

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Thank you robson! …

Thank you SenyorC! .

Human intelligence is organic and biology driven, and it evolved within a specific animal lineage (mammals, then bipedal apes) to meet their own survival requirements. There’s no “need” for human tri-color vision (vs. the monochrome of dogs or the additional nuanced sensors of flower nectar feeders), or any other human trait for it to be ‘intelligent’ in its own way. Computers are rapid and intentional simulations of the slow natural process, and mere infants versus a billion years of animal evolution. So, the computers are doing quite well all things considered.

But philosophically, AI must follow the same logical parameters of humans to be understood as “human-like intelligence.” Computers stand to repeat the same ambiguities, biases, and quirks of humans (witness Facebook’s and Bing’s censorship of AI racism when trained with full scope social media data sources).

I suppose the greatest concern is not in matching human abilities, but if computers somehow go a couple orders of magnitude beyond human potential. See the film Her (2013), which starts out with a lonely, self-aware, and compassionate computer that self-improves and then transcends humanity. It is not clear whether the laws of the universe actually allow transcendence though.

That farce seemed to follow from one of two things (a) Google wanted to distract from its weak AI technology by pushing the political flavor-of-the-day and sell to a sympathetic market, or (b) blindly ideological or sycophantic staff wanting to please their friends and managers or get promoted. It reveals how censorship can be anti-intelligence too, with output modeling off of covert human racism.

Happy :cake: Day @frkasper too.


Merry cake anniversary frkasper!


Happy :cake: 2 day to you also, @frkasper

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Tis the season of cake, happy :cake: day @frkasper !


Happy Cake day you guy’s.


Thank you prfallon69!

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Happy belated cake day @frkasper


Thank you all! 4 years already in this community. Geezzz… :champagne:


Happy :birthday: day @robson. I always enjoy the positivity in your posts.


Happy :birthday: @robson.

Happy :face_in_clouds: :exploding_head: :japanese_goblin: :dizzy: day too.