Thank you. I always try to support other collectors and since the records have been carefully chosed from my shelves I can’t avoid thinking that someone commissioned the steal. Lesson learned. I’ll do my things in the future, will not lean records anymore.
So sorry to hear that!
Thank you. It happens, it’s sad but that’s life.
I had audio equipemnt much more expensive than the records in the same studio and it’s all there.
I always try to be positive. It could have been worse.
Things came and go.
Life comes first, always.
Sorry Stefano, that had to be heartbreaking.
It hurts when collectors items get stolen. I hope at least you had insurance. Maybe there’s some way to restore the loss.
My own record player/LPs and home stereo have been in boxes for almost a year now. We moved and have a 2 year old. It’s impossible to place the equipment without her messing something up or destroying my precious record player. I love LPS too but my collection is still small and now I have completely moved on to mobile Hifi.
Thank you. Yes, very sad. It happens I know but one always hopes for not.
Yes, luckily I have insurance but with them it’s always a mixed bag.
Anyway I’ll restart my searching process and it will be a new journey.
Yeah vinyl equipment and young children don’t couple well.
I remember my son did some pretty things to my turntable when he was 2/3 years old.
I wanted him to be confident with audio gear so I never took things away from him but I have to say he was a calm guy and never did major damages.
I am very sorry to hear that @monochromios , that is horrible!
Are there any vinyl collectors or audio forums that you visit that could be considered close to you (based in Italy/France etc)?
If so, it may be worth listing the stolen ones to see if the appear for sale around you.
Thank you man.
I’ve send a detailed list to all the major collectors stores I use in Italy and France and sent the police report to both eBay and Discogs.
I believe that the steal was commissioned and the records never come out again but’s worth trying to stop eventual scams.
Thank you for your words and for the precious insights.
Just miserable. It would almost have to be commissioned. So that would cut down on the probable suspects.
I don’t have insurance on my record collection - never even thought about it, though I do have regular homeowners. The most secure thing is that 3/4 of the collection is stashed in a scary creepy attic, along with lots of other stuff, so any potential thief would have to get through the beanie babies first.
I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. That’s rotten and miserable. Being robbed is always distressing. Losing such treasures must make the experience all the more depressing. I hope you’re doing well, or as well as you can be, given the circumstances. Take care.
I’m sorry to hear. I suspect this and other events may be pandemic-related crimes of opportunity. Some thefts may not be detected for years, as so many public and social places were abandoned or guarded by a skeleton staff. Swap real artwork for fakes. Snag copper wire from 1/2 of an arena so it looks okay at first glance. Remove brand name office furniture and costly espresso machines. Criminals can work at leisure because no one cares or can check.
So sorry to hear that, I wonder if whomever did it knew what you had in your collection.
Thank you. For sure they knew since they picked the records among 2000 pieces I keep in my studio.
Happy Cake Day @monochromios. I really hope you can get some of the collection back. Best wishes.
Thank you Paul.
Life’s too short to waste time in anger.
Hunting for records is one of the greatest pleasure for a passionate collector.
I’ll take this thing as a second occasion to live again the extraordinary journey I’ve had finding some LPs.
Positivity always brings positive things.
Happy b-day @monochromios , have a great one!
Thank you!I’ll do my best
That is good perspective. Happy Cake Day.
Thank you, very kind of you.