Thanks @generic , much appreciated.
I have a question for the networking gurus that I can’t seem to find the answer I am looking for online.
I am back to travelling for work now and I set up a portable network for this.
I am using a Ravpower Filehub Plus as my travel router, due to its DLNA capabilities. To this I connect an Android phone, an Android Tablet, a Windows PC (work pc) and a DAP.
When connecting this FH+ to a WiFi network, creating my own WiFi network, this is only possible in bridge mode. This means that my DLNA content is available to other people on the main WiFi network I am connected to.
In other words, testing this on my work network, if I connect the FH+ via WiFi to WorkNET, my DLNA content is available to other devices on WorkNET and not just those on FH+NET.
I am told that this is because I am bridging the network’s. There is no way to set up the FH+ to connect via WiFi (and create a separate network) without it being in bridge mode. Although I do believe it can be done if I connect the FH+ via cable.
I also have a Tp-link tl-wr802n travel router (I used to use this before I had the FH+).
So, thinking out loud here…
If I was to connect the TP-Link router via WiFi to the hotel network, then connect the FH+ via cable to the TP-Link, would this create a more secure personal network and stop DLNA content being seen by those on the hotel network?
Basically I am wanting to create my own secure network for my devices, with DLNA content available to my devices, but block this personal network from the main network except for using the main networks internet connection.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Many happy cakes for the day. Postre.
If you connect the FH+ via cable and then you connect the TP-link to it you must have the option to create a private network (read: access with password) to the TP-link via its app.
I usually use two TP-link, the first one to connect to the host network and the second one to have a private access to my work.
If you don’t solve please drop me a line.
P.S. Using a TP-link, no matter if connected in wifi or lan, you can do the same I’ve described above. If the FH+ has an app similar to the one from TP-link I believe you can do the same with it.
happy cake day @SenyorC
Thanks for the input @monochromios , so, my setup would be:
[via WiFi]
FH+ Network (secured)
[via cable]
Tp-Link Network (secured, although no devices connected except FH+ via cable)
[via WiFi]
Hotel Network
So this would stop any content (including DLNA) from FH+ network being accessible from hotel network?
Yes, set a password for the access to TP-link in the dedicated app or through the web manager page and you have a secure access to the web.
I move between France and Italy because of work/family and this is the way I do in order to don’t share my data with others.
Let me know when you’re set, please.
Happy Cake Day @SenyorC!
Feliz cumpleaños Señor, a.k.a. @SenyorC.
Thanks @PaisleyUnderground y gracias @frkasper !
Happy belated birthday, @taronlissimore !
Thanks Martin! Its been a great week so far.
Oh Happy Birthday Taron.
Belated happy wishes from here also!!
Very belated birthday wishes @taronlissimore
Happy cake day @prfallon69!
And belated birthday greetings to @taronlissimore.
One thing I didn’t expect when I became a dad is that I would develop very strong opinions about detangler spray. Suave works very well but the Johnson and Johnson product is hot hot garbage. It’s hard to explain how deeply I feel about this.
Johnson and Johnson detangler spray can die in a fire.
Happy cake day @TylersEclectic !!
Oooh! Happy day indeed, @TylersEclectic!