Awesome ! I cant wait to try ot i will get back with the result once i receive the cables i need input the asgard
Can’t wait to hear your comparisons vs. the pendant and other amps you have used!
The Linlai’s in the house?
They are off with Jexby at the moment, being burned in on his Aficionado. He’s got about 120 hours on them at this point, I would guess. He likes them. I hope I get them back. LOL
Cool. At least they’ll be burned in when/if you get them back.
Ive heard good things from what little is out there re those tubes.
Glad you finally joined club blue!
I’m going to have to return the Stratus.
The user manual warns me not to expose the amplifier to rain. There goes my outdoor TOTL headphone idea. Sigh
Interesting. What’s a manual?
It’s class A, it’ll burn off the rain before it touches anything. No need to worry; however, in the unlikely chance I’m wrong… dammit, you do have to return it.
What did you think of the Hemp? I heard it might be somewhat tamer than the typical Grado sound.
It definitely is, way fuller, somewhat tamed highs, I leave the 60’s and 80’s as well, nice compliment, kinda like a 6xx, good for rock, guitar stuff
Every time I see one it’s so tempting just for the looks.
The pads take awhile for comfort but ya they look and smell amazing, great limited piece
Really sorry to hear that. On a brighter note, it doesn’t rain in my house so I’ll be glad to take it off your hands!
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts & comparisons.
It’s ok. I’m using a tarp.
@generic are you a Bosox fan?
No. I bought the Boston headphones because they were really cheap and I intended to cut up the wood/mod them. The logos were going to disappear. However, they sound too good to destroy and I still have them.
Uh oh.
Just arrived this AM. My first Sennheisers…
I think I am going to contract a Sennheiser virus. I really, really like these. Am I crazy? These are impeccably balanced IMO. Out of the High Z tap on the A&S they seem to have the right amount of everything.
It’s no accident that the 6 series has been the dominant reference standard for 20 years. Stick with your best amps. Be prepared for disappointment on weak amps.