ZMF Pendant - Tube Headphone Amplifier - Official Thread

The Ray Kroc model…

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I guess my question might be better asked this way.

Not everyone can afford a $2000 plus amp, obviously you get what you pay for period 99% of the time, no question about it.

So let’s say for someone new to tubes reading this question instead of the obvious it’s more expensive so it’s better, what exactly makes it better? The soundstage is perceived wider, the tone is better when listening, it is able to resolve more detail, it makes you fly to a different Fing planet :earth_americas: lol you get what I am sayin?

Just trying to learn, as you go from say midfi in the tube world to hi-fi what audible benefits are you experiencing and which ones are most prominent? Obviously the company that makes the pendant knows their stuff and is a superior builder it sounds like.

For instance when I utilize a medium format camera I can clearly tell you the benefits of it vs. a 35mm camera… or shooting on a Red Cinema camera vs. an Arri. vs. A 5D4. I guess I was just looking for a bit more of the actual why.

This part made sense to me too @TylersEclectic but it didn’t sound like they were massive increases but more subtle, forgive my question if it was out of place.


I’d honestly love to here these opinion, as a photography/camera enthusiast.

Maybe you can elaborate on the photography thread?


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Is a mango 3x more enjoyable than an orange?


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No you don’t. Buy a 2016-era Felix Elise if you need confirmation.


You know what I meant :joy:


The Cayin is all anyone sane would need in my opinion… heck the lyr3 is all you really need to some degree.

With that being said… I would actually recommend building your own Bottlehead Crack to pair with your 6XX and upcoming ZMF Aeolus. That way you will have a very good baseline OTL as well…I would add the Speedball. There is something special about a true OTL with these types of headphones. Just ask @Wes_S or @raindownthunda


A mango is definitely not 3 X more enjoyable than an orange in my mind lol :joy: so are we saying amps are like fruit!? Bahahahah


I am not buying anything :wink: !! Just learning, more than happy spending the next year with my LYR3 and trying a few tubes.


Mangos aren’t even a citrus fruit.

Maybe clementine vs. naval oranges?

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Even though I wasn’t asked :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, i would say this is an extremely good recommendation. I love my Crack, and building it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in this hobby.


Exactly. I’m glad we agree.

Ok, to expand on my answer, consider this: the design of the circuit between the two are different. They use different tubes. They have different output methods. Heck, in this hobby people can hear differences in transformers, let alone differences in opamp vs discreet designs. If the amp is built and sounds like a $2k amp, price it accordingly. If your $2k amp sounds worse than a $500 Crack, your doing it wrong. (Elise)


I’m out of ‘likes’ but I appreciate everyone’s comments. :grin:


It would be nice to have a thread of “Recommended Gear” tiered by price.
(Regardless of who makes, or sells it)

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I agree, what got me thinking this way was watching @Resolve, @TylersEclectic @Max_Settings live stream and listening to what would be chosen at different price levels. It was really interesting to hear the different takes on it. So that’s what I was thinking when I asked about the Pendant vs. a say a midfi tube amp.


Based on whose recommendations? Because those recommendations will be based off their preferences. And that’s the Achilles heel of that idea.


That’s also why I had requested their recommendations when Tyler asked about what questions we had for the live stream.

Thanks again, @TylersEclectic. Very much appreciated.


Based on the poster’s recommendations. Preference is implied.

Any recommendation would come with why it’s being recommended. It’s like your Bifrost 2 review were you stated why you preferred one over the other.


What if you created a board of listeners, like the fellowship of the TUBE, and their job was to listen and based on their preferences solid recommendations could be given to protect and save the ears of middle earth.



Ok sorry I will stop and wait for @Resolve impressions as he gets deeper into tubes lol!


Well said, and I concur. The Bottlehead Crack Speedball, with a good DAC, is a killer combo with ZMF dynamics, and especially the Aeolus.