ZMF Vérité - Open-Back Dynamic Headphone - Official Thread

You all think I have a say in this painting thing :slight_smile:


The Off Topic
Is where I posted my response, as I don’t want to exacerbate the off thread nature of the discussion.

Here’s what I’ve found so far for the Verite with the Universe Suede pads

This is Universe Suede vs Universe pads - HEQ compensated

And this is Universe Suede vs Verite pads - HEQ compensated

So far I prefer the Suede over the Universe pads, it has a similar effect on the stage but brightens it up quite a bit, and evens out that lower treble cut a bit.

I’m not sure if I like the Suede better than the Verite pads yet. For some reason I feel like the Verite pads cause the bass to hit harder, even though they measure about the same in that area. Interestingly the Suede pads do better for the rest of the treble, at least to me - and I find it does a better job at resolving cymbals and snare drums and anything that makes use of 7khz and above. It’s funny, this went from being a somewhat dark sounding headphone to now a somewhat neutral-bright sounding headphone, and I kind of think I might prefer the Verite as the latter, which is a huge change for me. So it could also just be that I’m enjoying the differences haha.


It’s strange that the Verite pads do that with the bass, something I’ve noticed too compared to the suede. That it doesn’t show on measurements is odder still.

If I could keep the Verite pad bass, and the suede everything else, that would be the perfect pad.

Be2 pads might, I hope, maybe?


slower decay?

Not noticeably

Just got done measuring the BE2 pads

These are HEQ compensated measurements - also averaged.

Here you can see it’s a bit more ‘neutral’ across the board and fixes the 3khz dip. It does cause the sibilance peak to be slightly more forward, but nothing a touch of EQ can’t fix.

Here’s a comparison with the Universe pads as well (I forgot to name it sorry).

Overall the BE2 sounds quite a bit tighter and hits with more authority in the bass than both Universe pads, but again they don’t measure that differently. BE2 is closer to the Verite pads in its presentation with a more traditional and ‘forward’ stage. It’s still quite spacious and big, but it lends itself a bit better to critical listening I find. Both universe pads expand everything around you a bit, and of the two the Suede is definitely my preference, but it’s a tough choice between Suede and BE2 at the moment. Maybe I’m just a sucker for new things haha.


I just ordered a pair of Be2 pads but opted for them to ship with my Verite… I may have to get a second set of velour Universe pads though…as my current set is on my Aeolus.

You pulled the trigger on the Verite? nice!

Looking forward to a comparison with the Aeolus haha. I haven’t heard that one yet.


IMO, Aeolus sits between Atticus and Auteur in terms of tone and capabilities, can swing closer to one or the other with pad changes, and is a steal for the price.


Well…maybe I’ll bring it up to Canada in the next couple months… I have floated an idea to @taronlissimore and @andrew about it :smirk:


Big package day!

Cat wondering what’s in the boxes

Box #1

And of course, Box #2

Neither of these are mine…yet. I’ve got a lot of listening to do. I have already auditioned both so this is more of a reunion. And man, how much I miss them. I just quickly threw on Verite to re-confirm what I remember. They are still indeed perhaps my favorite headphone of all time. I’ll leave it at that.


Which pads did you end up getting for the Verite?

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You going to CanJam n June?

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I actually need to double check with Zach, but I am guessing I have the Verite pads on, but not sure what the perforated ones are.

I’m going to try. I have some friends coming to visit me from out of town that weekend, but if I can find a way to sneak out for a few hours I want to stop by since it is so close to me.

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If the pads are flat (equally thick on both front and back) those are the universe pads. The angled ones are the Verite pads.

other way around.

Hmm… Pretty sure it’s not the other way around.

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“Universe pads come installed on all headphones - Verite on the side. Verite are the more linear/brighter pad and Universe smoother.”

So the thicker, angled (universe) pads come installed on the Verite. The flat ones (Verite) on the side.

And from the product page:

" The ZMF VÉRITÉ pad , our flattest round pad with an ear opening slightly smaller than the auteur pad, was designed to be a “flat, wider version of the Universe pad."

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Ok, so my Aeolus and Verite both came with the flat (non-angled) pads on them…

I’m confused.

And these look angled to me.

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