Headphone Cables/Builds w/ Pictures - DIY

Project: Convert the Koss PortaPro cable to the Hart Audio Cables modular system

I bought a mini XLR connector from Adorama, cut off the 3.5mm jack, and soldered the wires.


  • My soldering skills are poor…don’t look inside. The 8th try was the charm.
  • Mini XLR-4 connectors are mini. They require a sharp eye and a steady hand. I have neither.
  • The PortaPro has incredibly thin wires. I didn’t try to remove the factory insulation, and just melted through with the solder.

Sources for wiring pinouts and testing:

I can now run the PortaPro with balanced amps. I’ll provide audio comments in the PortaPro thread after testing, at least as long as my soldering job holds up.