Koss Porta Pro-Unofficial Thread

Just got done mowing the lawn, electric mower, listening to Radio Paradise Rock Mix on Porta Pros.
Sound leaking IN, however is significant. Had to crank them things.

Yaxi Pads were soaked with sweat. A drop of Dawn detergent, quick wash and dry in a towel. Back to nice again. But my mind wanders

----- begin apologies to Dr. Seuss -----

Would you like some Porta Pros? Would you like them Sam, you ho?
I would not like a Porta Pro I do not want them, No No No
Would you like them in a taxi? Would you like them with some Yaxis
I would not like them in a taxi, I don’t even know what you call Yaxis
I do not want a Porta Pro, I do not want them No No No

Would you like them with a DAC? How about with a Bottlehead Crack?
I do not want a Porta Pro, shove them up your rearward hole
Would you like them on a mountain? How about near a spouting fountian?
I do not want them on a mountain. I do not want them near a fountain,
I am happy with my Beats, go away and do not tout them.

OK, then listen to my Verite, Just 5 minutes, I’ll give to charity.
I will listen to your Verite, just send a sawbuck to my charity
Close your eyes I’ll put them on, I’m sure the headphone light will dawn.
Yes these are good, now heaven knows, they are not stupid Porta Pros
Open your eyes, Sam you ho, that is not Verite :phone: , it’s Porta Pro!.
Oh now I finally understand, The Porta Pro is simply grand

----- end apology to Dr. Seuss -----

:phone: This is in no way to suggest that the Porta Pro is equal to the ZMF Verite, it is just for the sake of rhyme and meter.