New Here? This Is The Spot To Introduce Yourself

Hello All, I am just getting back into the hobby after a long break.
Currently looking to upgrade my amp as I am getting a new set of ZMF cans shortly.
Happy to join the forum.


Thanks for having me!

I’ve always had a thing for music way back in high school. Then on August 2020, I tasted my very first pair of headphones, the OneOdio Pro 50, and it was a rabbit hole of upgrades ever since. I got my first DAC/Amp combo - the FX Audio DAC X6 - to pair with the OneOdio Pro 50’s and I was happy with it for a few months.

It was just quick upgrades from there. I got a Sennheiser HD630VB, then a 1More Triple Driver Over-Ears, then my very first planar the HiFiMAN Sundaras which I ran straight out of my laptop for a few weeks until I got the Topping L30 and Topping D10s for Christmas.

I recently purchased the HiFiMAN HE-6SE V2’s and am now trying to find the proper amplifier for it. Do I go for cheap and purchase a $50 mini stereo amp and the HE Adapter, or do I splurge and go straight for either a Schiit Jotunheim 2 or a Flux Labs FA-10? Only time will tell.


Hi thank you for your welcome very much appreciated.
Kind regards Cosmicalien


Hello and welcome @tommy307 and @beemarman.

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Hello and welcome @Pashmeister, @Natzal, @Varkozol, @ListeningOut, @Convolver and @Jesica.


Been a silent reader since Xmas and I thought now’s a good time to say hello.


Music lover from Cologne, Germany here. Love Electronic, some Jazz (Marcus Miller, SMV, EST), a bit of Pop/Rock, and … the 80ies (guilty!). Sources are Vinyl, CDs and good ole iTunes (currently re-ripping my CDs to a better quality). My headphone / inear history would be tldr, so just my favourites: DT880, Sine DX, iSine, FH5, SF10.

Other money-bleeding hobbies include mechanical keyboards, photography, and fountain pens.



Welcome, we are glad to have you with us as well as all the other new members!! Glad you decided to say hello!


Welcome back man. I hope you’re well. Enjoy


Thanks for the welcome.

I’ve been a long time fan of music (does anyone NOT like music?) and gear (yes had a minidisc player) ever since my mom slapped me for buying 600.00 se535’s. Now I just continually slap myself these days.

Currently have LCD-2C, Hifiman Arya, Audeze Mobius, and a pair of Andromedas. Patiently waiting for my first closed-back Focal, the Celestee. Running the monolith 788 dac/amp and btr5 as drivers.

Delving into home stereo also as I purchased ls50 meta’s and a pb-2000 pro. Learning about good amplification for them (using avr right now).


Welcome @Twinguin .

We have a fledgling thread about mechanical keyboards that we recently started. I just bought my first one, so I’m a noob.

I feel your pain, I’m doing the same thing. The biggest issue for me is that I spent so many years rating every song in iTunes so that my playlists would work properly, and I don’t want to have to do that again.


Welcome @Natzal . The SE535 were my first premium IEMs. I loved them so much at the time. Now that my ears are a little more trained, I should dig them out again to see what I think. Hopefully I still love them, but I recently read a Crinacle review that said something like overpowering one note bass and no treble, so we’ll see.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the Celeste and the ls50 meta’s.


Oh yes, I just re-activeted mine. Still fun!

I will check that out (count is 8 keyboards and a couple more key cap sets …)

When I load a CD, iTunes (normally) recognises that CD and asks if it should replace the existing files. It keeps the rating and play count, just updates the “added to” date.


Hello and welcome @J_M, @AXR, @Jonlereux, @tonyb and @KillerQ.


Used to have Grado SR-60 (died. Humidity in the Philippines) and SR-80’s (damaged by kids and made worse by an inept tech)

Looking at Hifiman’s and a Khadas Tone 2 Pro.

Have 3 DACs one of which is portable, but none has a headphone jack.

A Magnepan guy looking for the Maggie’s experience in a set of cans.


Thanks, glad to be here. Rock On!


Thank you for letting me in and for the welcome message. Looking forward to learning and contributing once I know what Im talking about. My Focal Arche+Stellia will arrive today. Hopefully it goes smooth. Im gonna hold on FW update for now and just install the USB driver on my Win 10 Laptop. I find the instruction on FOCALs page for firmware and driver installation less that stellar.

Ive been reading the Arche thread for pitfalls and hints to not ask a question already answered. Have a great day.


The Hifiman’s are not going to be anything like you remember the Grado’s since the tuning is quite different. Also, Hifiman has a history of quality control issues so know going in what you are willing to accept as a risk.

I’m not sure any headphone can create the Maggie experience. Most people view the headphone and speaker experience as different things.


Good luck with the Focal Arche, @AXR . I can’t wait to read your impressions on the Arche or Stellia thread, good or bad. Hopefully Focal have fixed the firmware issues and you can enjoy the synergy between the 2. I don’t have an Arche but I love my Stellia. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

On a different topic, my wife was just using my phone and asked why the hearts emoji :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: was in my frequently used emojis. Tried to explain that I sometimes use it in the headphone forum and she didn’t look happy. Wasn’t sure if she didn’t believe me or was unhappy that I use the emoji on headphones more than her.


I feel tempted.
Arche is on sale in Europe.
Half the price at Fnac…

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Congrats, great stuff.
I hope I will read your impressions about Arche+Stellia.

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