New Here? This Is The Spot To Introduce Yourself

Hello and welcome @Arn_Saknusun, @Markj, @frank, @brunobm, @guyuemuziye, @Stinkles, @SpeedLisbon and @Ken_Driggers_II.


Hello and welcome @bobfa and @Emre_Kus.



My name is Bob I am an audiophile!

I run a small technology consulting firm helping small businesses with computers, networking, etc… I do some professional photography on the side and I love gardening. I mess around with additive and subtractive machining.

I mess around with audio a lot. I write for Audiophile Style.

Currently I am using a JDS Labs Element III with Meze 109 Pro headphones at my desk.

My main audio system is an Audio Only 7.1.4 ATMOS system.


Hi Bob!!

…and welcome!!

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Welcome Bob!

I recognized your photo, and thought you must have left this forum some time ago and come back. But then I realized I’ve read your posts on Audiophile Style.

Hopefully we can do some cross-pollination of ideas between the 2 forums.


Hello and Welcome @Michael_Lydon.

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Hello and welcome @oronymo, @urbanjanitor and @K11.


Thanks! Been a long-time stereo and headphone enthusiast… first time on the headphone community.


Hello and welcome @kmgx1234 and @HonestAbe.


Hello and welcome @Bevok.

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Hello and welcome @Earman, @Reyess, @Tonza and @listener.


Hello! New here after living in a few different headphone subreddits. Currently using my Sundara’s with an Atom stack, though I’ve had a few dynamic headphones in the past. Finally in a position to try and track down some Arya’s after drooling over them for 2-3 years now! Glad to be here


Hello, I’m new here but also post on several other audio forums. I’m looking to stay up the the current gear available and to further develop my music tastes.

Current gear:

IEMs: Empire Ears Odin, 64 Audio U12t, UM Mest Mk II, Thieaudio MMK2, QDC Anole VX, Sony IER Z1R/M9, Campfire Andromeda 2020/ Dorado/Onyx, Symphonium Helios, AüR Neon Pro, 7th Acoustics Supernova, Sennheiser IE600, Dunu SA6, Moondrop S8/ Variations/ Blessing2/ Blessing2 Dusk/ Kato/Starfield, ER4XR, Dunu Titan S, Noble Kaiser K10, Xenns Tea 2, Symphonium Meteor, FatFreq Maestro-mini, Raptgo Hook-X, Tanchjim Oxygen, Yanyin Moonlight, AKG N5005, Audio Hekilli, Penon Fan2, 7hz Timeless, ikko OH10, Olina SE, Simgot EA500, TRI Starriver, Truthear Hexa, FiiO JD7/FH15, Tangzu Wu Zeitan, QKZ-HBB Khan, KBEar Rosefinch, TinHiFi T3+, Salnotes Zero, KZ ZEX/ ZS 10 Pro X, GSA 3DGA, KE Cadenza, CCA C10/CRA+

Headphones: HiFiMan HE1000 v2, Denon AH-D9200, Focal Clear, DCA Aeon 2 Noire, LSA HP2 Ultra SE, E-MU Teak, Sennheiser 6xx, Beyerdynamic dt770

Portable DAP/DACS: FiiO Q7, iFi Gryphon, FiiO BTR7, FiiO M11 +

Desktop DACs/Amps: SMSL M500 Mk III. On order - Schiit Modi Multibit, Lokius, Lyr+


Hello and welcome @PooRadley, @NiteRiter, @xavierbaez, @eu-d and @CharlieMarks.


Hello and welcome @Oddysseur, @Nexecuteur, @catharsis, @Joe_LJW, @I-Hogan, @adam_nr, @john808welk, @oballzo, @simes_pep and @Regulator.


Hello, in my youth was a hifi enthusiast in the seventies, building amplifiers and loudspeakers. After marriadge, studies and children all that stayd forgotten. After I retired few years ago I interested in hifi again. This time headphones and IEM’s, started with Sony’s MDR-ZX770BN and WH-1000X M3 (both too boomy-bass, but good ANC). Then tried IEM’s like Moondrop Aria, TinHifiT3+, Tripowin Mele, Letshuoer S12, headphones Hifiman HE400se and Sennheiser HD 600, “needed” an amplifier, so I got Topping DX3Pro+, then some new cheap IEM,s like Moondrop Quarks DSP, Truthear Hola, and QKZ x HBB, the last one is Sennheiser IE200. Actually, all but Sony’s are very pleasent headphones to listen my music (all gendres really). Sony’s are decent after some EQ. When I still study all kinds of things in youtube, I have YT premiun and YT music, my main source of music. After I realized to purchase better tips like SpinFit CP100+ and CP145, all my IEM’s are just good enough, yes, different but good. Did I understand this earlier, Aria would be all I neer, really. (sorry my no-native English)


Hi there,

I am happy that I found this forum. I would like to share experience and to learn about new (or vintage) gear. I like my hifi gear (two different sets in two rooms), especially my vintage receivers (Yamaha CR 640 and Marantz 2238b).

But meanwhile I am more on head gear. I am using Qobuz, Spotify and lots of FLAC files (16/44.1 - ripped from my CDs) stored on my NAS. In fact my MacBook is now my favorite “source”.

I am using a S.M.S.L M500 MK II and an Epiphany Objective2 / ODAC combo. My headphones are AKG K701 (original version “made in Austria”), AKG Q701 Quincy Jones, Hifiman HE-400, Hifiman Sundara closed back an a Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 Ohm.

I am open minded and hope to learn about head gear and I am ready to share my experience and knowledge.


Hello and welcome @KSJJ and @Proletus.

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Hi . A newby.
I just got a new Schiit Asgard 3 with dac and my Audeze lcd-xc cans should arrive in a couple days. Excited! I have Qobuz running on my windows 11 Dell laptop.
Do you think that I need an EQ program ( if so which one?) and/or Audirvana, JRiver, Fidelizer, Audiophile Optimizer etc.?
Quite confusing. Thx Dan


New headphones for 2023, from a new member to this forum.

Until recently headphones were used on planes, sport (bike/gym/walking) and most listening was via speakers.
So new into “Headfi”
Existing headphones were a B&W P5 Wireless, but I found to be much better used wired and then with the Bursen Amp using the Naim NDS/555DR as source and a Roon convolution filter, and we begin this new journey!


Dan Clark Aeon2 Noire

To be driven by a Burson Soloist SL MkI taking input from the Tape-Out of the Sim Audio Moon i5 (which has no headphone output).

Had an extensive listen to these, the DCA Aeon2 Closed, Audeze LCD-X, the Audeze LCD-2, Focal Clear MG, Meze 109 Pro (thanks to Hifonix, Birmingham, UK)
Through a Burson Amp with a Naim Atom HE streamer (not quite the same as my NDS/555DR streamer but good enough for demo evaluation)

The Meze were extremely comfortable, but not quite at the races against the Planar Magnetics (& my existing B&W P5 Wireless, wired with Silver Litz cable), the Focal great dynamics but not the delicacy of the Audeze & DCA.
It was a tight choice between the DCA and the Audeze LCD-X (which were on offer at the time, so in the same price band, same as the Focal Clear OGs).
The DCA Aeon2 Closed & Noire needed more power to shine, yet the Audeze LCD-X had such great forward presentation and insight into the material easy to see why used in studios, but is that a presentation that is liveable long-term and they are heavy?

The DCA Aeon2 models give the same insight, just more laid back in presentation. Comfortable and half the weight of the LCD-X

Then Aeon2 Closed vs Noire with the Noire just taking the line with a better treble definition. However could have easily lived with either.

And back on my own system, out-of-the-box, yes, everything heard during demo is still there. Now with a 10ft VIVO Cable upgrade and just about run in.

Using a number of EQ profiles, but most of the time a convolution filter in Roon, using the measurements from AutoEq/results/oratory1990/harman_over-ear_2018/Dan Clark Audio Aeon 2 Noire at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq · GitHub

And this measurement

Hence interested in the revised measurement system and some different filters.