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Welcome to you JTS Ah! Fresh blood always makes us thirsty


And you call yourself a newbie?? Newies can’t say “Gungnir” . Welcome, certainly welcome.

And Welcom Dan, Greg, and all the others. Can’t hardly keep up.


Well he didn’t say “Gumby”.


Hello and welcome Greg.

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys Look forward to sharing and gaining knowledge from everyone


Hey Torq(In Who’s Name I Trust) (I’m going to start abbreviating it to IWNIT). So Torq(IWNIT) Stereophile just did an article on the Raal SR1a’s and rated them class A+. Looks like you are vindicated by some of the audiophile community for those who may have doubted. Congrats to Raal for making it and you for being at the forefront of the headphone world in discovery. So now that that’s out of the way let’s get down to business. I want a headphone that doesn’t play like it’s inside my head, is supremely accurate, comfortable, doesn’t make my head or ears hot and is cheap. Oh yeah, also doesn’t need an expensive external amp to play at comfortably realistic sound levels. I expect this by next Tuesday. You have your assignment now go out and play


While I don’t think the SR1a are for everyone, by any means, only one person that has sat and spent proper time with mine didn’t like them; and I’d have to describe that person as a fairly major basehead based on what they did like.

I was actually several months behind the people who I personally credit for raising awareness of the SR1a, and most specifically @Zhanming057 - as it was his posts and reviews that re-sparked my interest in them after not having been able to get my ears on them a CanJam @ RMAF 2018.

When I fantasize, I want a unicorn.

Closest thing I could recommend would be the HD58X. But it’s not that comfortable unless you bend the band on it, and it’s not that accurate without something like Sonarworks/True-Fi or other EQ.

As for not playing inside your head, the only headphones that do a really good job of that are not cheap (and a lot of it is down to the source material anyway). They start with an SDR-modded HD800 (or a stock HD800S), and rapidly jump to things like the Vérité, Abyss, MySphere or SR1a.

The new AEON Flow 2 might fit the bill as well, though I’ve not heard it personally, and it’s also not in the “cheap” category.

If, when you reference a user here, you put an @ in front of their name, like this @nooac, they’ll get a clickable notification that will let them see you mentioned them and they can follow to your post, otherwise they won’t know it’s there unless you’re responding to them directly.


Thanks for the response.
Yep. You made it clear they are light on the base.
So I presume my next research might be the HD58x, SDR modded 800’s and others. Also EQ’s that don’t color the sound as you have previously mentioned. (my homework) I was leaning on the Sphere 3.2 when I noticed your writings about the RAAL SR1a.
In reference to my comment about your seeing it before others, I don’t travel in you knowledge circles and bow to your knowing the people involved. I Like your passing on the accolades appropriately.
A unicorn!? If I’m going to fantasize I’m starting out with a loaded aircraft carrier, private island and scantily clad audiophile girls
 The movie rights of course negotiable after the multi billion dollar signing bonus and interplanetary obligations as an intergalactic explorer. Just to start.
The lack of @ for people’s names is purely my laziness. I still like @Torq (IWNIT).:grin:
As a post script, I haven’t figured out how to do the blocked quotes of previous writings so I just use " ".:grimacing:


?? :wink:


I thought you said they had to be cheap?!

Because they don’t exist 
 just like a single headphone with the specific traits you requested :wink:

Everything else on the list is possible, if potentially a bit pricey.

Highlight the text in the post you want to quote, and a "Quote box should pop up, click that, and it’ll insert the highlighted text into your post, with the user reference and link.



Look at me! I’m a quoted texter!:partying_face:

That was before I knew you existed. My worst case scenario is I get what I want and it’s expensive. Ok. The hunt is on. Particularly the off ears, which already exists and the audio presentation in front of my head, not in between my ears. The gauntlet is thrown.

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I appreciate the kind words, but have to recommend that people consider multiple sources and perspectives when dealing with gear reviews (objective or subjective). At least until you have enough of a baseline with a given reviewer to understand if what they like, and how they express things, marries up with what you like (and I don’t know of any one I agree with 100% of the time).


As far as fantasies go for mythical creatures
I’m going with a dragon!


In SoCal for the week, had to stop in a store
and saw this

@Torq it’s like fate/destiny is real lol


Welcome to California.


I’m a native son of Cali :sunglasses:
From the Sierra Nevadas south of lake Tahoe as the crow flies :grin:



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