It’s actually a best practice to turn the volume down to zero, especially with the powerful amps that we’re all buying nowadays. Like you, I’d never done this before either, but I learned about it in this forum.
Part of my enjoyment in this hobby is sometimes changing from amp to amp and picking out the changes in the sound or subjective qualities it gives different headphones.
So as much as this may be best practice and I agree this may well be the case, its not something I will be doing.
Your advise is appreciated.
Thanks for the advise its appreciated.
I’m wondering. I need an amp for my audeze LCD-2 F. So I was thinking about the rebel amp because of the very good reviews I read. Yesterday a friend offered me to buy his Burson Conductor Virtuoso 2 for 500 euro. So same price and both class A, one newer and one older.
Will new amps like the rebel amp outclass an older but more powerfull burson amp?
Just an update. I can also add another exception to the list of headphones that Schiit Jotunheim 2 pairs better with than RebelAmp. My ZMF Aeolus does not sound very good on the RebelAmp. However, on the Jotunheim 2 with the gain switch on low gain, it sounds wonderful.
@generic - What did you think of Lachlan’s review?
I saw the notification but hadn’t watched because I already own the amp. It seemed like closing the barn door after the cows were gone…but since you asked…
We agree, he says: “I think the RebelAmp is overall outstanding.”
He makes a big deal about its limited features, and being single-ended versus balanced. Each buyer must decide if they want a minimalistic amp or not. Personally, my interest in balanced has declined year after year. You often don’t need it with well-sorted equipment.
I can’t comment about his comparison amps (e.g., Asgard 3, SMSL, Singxer), but those shopping in the $250 to $750 bracket should definitely watch this video. He describes the Rebel’s lively, clean, and natural character well. Since he makes a big deal about price/features, I fear his competitive analysis may change with the Rebel’s Feb 2022 price of $660. It surely would have been priced higher if produced by a USA, UK, or German manufacturer.
The Rebel remains my primary solid state amp, but these days I’m finding great joy in pairing the HD 800 S with tube amps and very minor bass EQ. I’d absolutely buy the Rebel again and often use it. I even have it setup as my Bottlehead Crack’s preamp – its huge volume knob and quality pot works around Bottlehead’s cheap pot.
I wish Lachlan had included the Schiit Jot 2 in the comparison also, as he compares the Rebel with $400 balanced op amp designs, but using the SE input. He could have done that with the Jot 2, plus it is a fully discrete design that is close in price to the Rebel amp. The Jot 2 is more technically capable than the Asgard 3 in most ways too.
In high end audio it seems like it’s always pizzas and rainbows but this puts things into perspective.
There are real people behind the magic boxes and they are in a dangerous situation.
Thanks for posting this. Regarding product service, Rebel says “We will try to find local help for you.” To the contrary, we should look for ways to help them and others trapped by events.
Yeah. We dwell on first world problems. Ukraine…sigh…
Can’t get one from Rebel? There is a Canadian on Head-fi that just bumped his thread up for a black RebelAmp for $475 plus shipping. Great option if you are in Canada. I am in no way affiliated with the seller, so take all usual precautions that you should when buying from strangers.
After living with the Rebel for 6 months i find that i most enjoy the Rebel with my elex vs the senn 660S. I was going back and forth liking one over the other but im now quite sure i enjoy the elex more with the Rebel. Clarity being the biggest game changer for me.
Btw i basically keep my amp on all the time. Barely gets more than slightly warm. I truly believe it is somewhat smoother with tighter bass being kept on all the time.
Im still amazed at the build quality and that fantastic potentiometer.
Don’t know if anyone has contacted Artem in the last few days but hoping he is safe.
FYI…Just contacted Artem and he told me that they relocated their families to a safer city and so far it is relatively safe.He thanked me for my concern.
Great guy.
FYI… As of yesterday Artem is still relatively safe with some inconveniences. Good news considering that strikes are being hurled into the west now.
Thanks for the shoutout!
I am the original poster - the amp has sold to a Canadian buyer. It really is a great amp; unfortunately, I am looking to move in a different direction. Hope the new buyer enjoys it!
Hi there eswng678,
Welcome to the headphones community!
Given the most recent news, I decided to place an order Monday afternoon for the US-115VAC Rebel Green model. I received a shipping notification yesterday and if all goes well, will be able to sell off the Modius + Asgard 3 stack (Bifrost 2 + Rebelamp for home, Jotunheim 2 w/ ESS DAC card for the office, as I’m finding myself listening to music more at work than at home).
shipping update
My order reached Germany today.
How is the amp? Where is his new shop located? What city?
I have yet to receive the amp, but it’s currently in UPS’ custody and scheduled to arrive next Monday. Once it arrives, I’ll let you know my thoughts.