The Litter Box

Due to a sudden, recent, and significant increase in what I can only describe as posts that are either low value or raw noise (also known as “shit posting”), I am creating a thread to help manage them.

When posts add no value to a discussion, especially if there are several such posts in a row, and/or are significantly off topic (for no good reason), or are just noise in a thread that doesn’t have good signal-to-noise ratio as it is, they will be moved here (rather than just deleted).

Such posts will be moved without warning.

Don’t feel bad if you find your posts occasionally getting moved here unless, you know, you suddenly find that it is actually most of your posts!


I live here now :thinking: :sweat_smile: :cry:


I’ve been naughty…


Who can get the highest litter box ratio? 100%?

For some reason this song came to mind:


I was thinking about starting a new topic, called:

  • “Kustom Kontent Kaleidoscope”, or
  • “Roulette Wheel”, or
  • “The Potassium River Flowing Under the Gelatin Dessert Igloo in Marshmallow Land”

The very special thread spins any existing thread in an unexpected direction, to include:

  • Good content that’s unrelated to the actual subject
  • Off-topic content in an on-topic thread
  • On-topic content in an off-topic thread
  • Off-topic-on-topic content in an On-topic-off-topic thread
  • And, oh, so much more!

The only rule is that new posts must not be consistent with prior posts.

However, I realized that the recently retired @Torq planted the seed in The Litter Box months ago. Why reinvent the wheel? Who can spin your head the farthest and fastest? Free charcoal-asparagus-cat-fur-chocolates to the winner!


Here it is I have finally found my home.


I’m not leaving.

20 bloody characters even for a shitpost? Come on!


meow meow meow meow

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So what do you think is more compressed, the recording of Adele’s singing on her tv special or the air in my car’s tires


Please read my letter to sennheiser. This is nuts!

From the Sennheiser US Warranty Page, emphasis mine:

SEC will be responsible for shipping to the customer after repair/replacement ONLY. The customer is responsible for all shipping/handling charges related to returning the product to SEC or one of the SEC authorized repair facilities.

This is more common than not, especially when buying directly from a manufacturer, rather than via a dealer. It’s a clearly stated policy and easy to find. Better to check in advance than make assumptions about warranty policies - as the latter is likely to lead to disappointment.

Making threats to a vendor is a surefire way to have them stick to the letter of their publicly-stated policies.

Not withstanding that clicks and pops through a headphone, especially a dynamic headphone are extremely extremely unlikely to be a fault with the headphone. Vastly more likely it is an issue at the source or interference picked up by the amp.


Just received RMA number and return address from sennheiser. However you still need to pay for shipping and will receive a refund in 7 to 10 days. You are then required to reorder. No automatic replacement.
Terrible policy!

No way! Tried on 2 different amps, dac and cables. No problems with my 6xx, elex, he400i etc.
I don’t care what what they say their policy is. Its bad!
If i saved some people at this site from ordering via sennheiser then its worth it to complain.
Threats, really!

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Well, you don’t have to like their policies - but you’re going to find that one is more common than not. And it’s not like it’s hidden.

Generally I find it easier to not buy from companies whose policies I don’t like in the first place, rather than try and coerce them to change them after the fact.


Per my prior experience in product development, some producers intentionally price higher and/or have more restrictions on their own website to minimize direct sales. They do this to support the retail network and don’t want to undercut vendors or harm the supply chain.

They may actually prefer that you buy elsewhere.

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How many people read the small print. Give me a break! You need to complain to get things changed. Btw i don’t consider what i said a threat. Needs to be said. Now it may cost me 30 bucks to ship back. I don’t get the shipping discounts that companies get.

Ok but if you go to their site they have that quick “buy now” button for easy sale convenience. A good example of a company wanting you to buy from dealers is Audioquest.

No idea; but caveat emptor.

Any item I buy that I think I might need to make a return on (warranty or otherwise), I take the couple of minutes to check the return policy. In the audio world, that’s all of them.

Sugar almost always works better than vinegar.

“Do this, or I’ll do that” is, by definition, a threat - whether you consider it one or not.

Again, sugar vs. vinegar.

Courier accounts are free, you don’t need to be a company to have one, they take 2 minutes to sign up, and discounts can be upwards of 40%.


So @Torq would be right in this case. Making outright threats is a good way to have CS not be very empathetic to your cause. You also need to realize that your email is just going to a CS agent just trying to make it through another day, not the people who make the policies.

On almost any audio website (or 99% of e-commerce websites) all the details surrounded refunds, rmas, return shipping, etc… can only be found in the footer if their website under the relevant section. Other stores plaster things like Final Sale and put their return policy prominently on every single product page and still get accused of “hiding things in fine print”.

Unfortunately stores have no way to know if you are reading the information that they’ve put on their website but the information is there.


Yup. Beyerdynamic warranty service also required me to cover shipping my K371 to them for a repair. I think that’s a fair policy, otherwise a manufacturer can end up paying to ship a lot of stuff that turns out not even to need servicing.

Are you getting the noise on both channels? What if you switch sides of the cable, or use your 6XX cable with the 660S?