What music have you been listening to this past week?

Shoutout to @generic and @Roark, who were discussing the first Stone Roses album in another thread.

I’ve been listening to both albums quite bit over the last few days, after several years of gathering dust due to over-playing (first album) or complete and utter contempt (second album).

I created my own version of the first album, based on the US release (which is a little better than the UK release because it includes “Elephant Stone” and “Fools Gold”) but moved Fools Gold to the middle, because the album has to end on “I Am the Resurrection”. And since I was already playing the heretic by messing with an all-time classic album, I deleted “Don’t Stop” because playing a tune backwards may seem clever, but it’s just a crap song in my opinion, so I’d rather pretend it never existed. My wife and I had a big argument about this, so I realize I may be in the minority with this opinion, but I’m still right. :grinning:

Listening to Second Coming was a very interesting experience. I hated it when it first came out but my hatred seems to have mellowed over the past 27 years. It’s very different from the first album, much more of a “jam band” feel, with a lot of guitar wankery by John Squire. It doesn’t help that the first song, Breaking Into Heaven, starts with over 4 minutes of random jungle sounds, which would not have put me in a good mood back in 1994. In the age of digital music, you can edit out the first 4 minutes and it turns into quite a catchy song. Similarly, the rest of the album contains quite a few good songs, ending in the classic “Love Spreads”. So a decent, but not great, Britpop album.