In that case it might be worth moving that beautiful RME off the top vents
When I say hot, it’s like 85F. my phone gets hotter sometimes.
I leave my Asgard 3 on 24/7. I think it makes less heat than my BHC.
Ok, so this is a fun story. (No it’s not.)
I sold the Gumby about 3 weeks before Christmas. The buyer wanted it shipped via UPS. Ok, fine.
I didn’t have the original box from Schiit, so I needed to buy one. I head over to the UPS store, and they don’t have a box that was even close to the right size, and wanted to price gouge me $22 for a way oversized box + packing materials, which also jacks up the shipping cost due to the dimensions. So, I went a few blocks down to FedEx, got a box for about 9 bucks.
I then ordered a UPS shipping label on my smartphone as I made a pitstop at a Starbucks. So, I went back to the UPS store. I had the shipping label in a PDF on my phone, and the UPS store charged me $4 to print it. Apparently, printing the label is free, but they forced me to email them the PDF and it’s $4 for them just to look at their email box… This is already strike 3, and I’m convinced I will never use UPS again.
So… Because I insured it for so much (full retail replacement value), there was a document that the store employee had to sign and give me a copy of. Both he and I thought it was unusual, but ok, whatever. It was part of the PDF that UPS generated in the first place, and we were just following directions.
This insurance form saved my bacon later, because guess what happened…
The Store lost my package. The ups system showed it was scanned in and dropped off at the store, but that it never left after that.
I have spent the last 2 months fighting UPS for my insurance money. They declined my claim 8 times. 8!!! I heard everything from:
- I never actually dropped it off at the store (I have a signed document from the Store employee, remember?) despite their system showing it had been scanned in. They basically accused me of fraud and said they would never be issuing insurance payment on the claim.
- The store lost it, so go take it up with them.
- The driver just forgot to scan it when he picked up all the shipments from the store, so it will turn up eventually.
- Ok, it’s officially lost, but we need to do a 2 week documented search per policy, then you can refile the claim.
- We can’t pay you the insurance amount until you prove you own the item you sent.
- We need proof it’s worth what you insured it for…
The list of shit goes on and on. And of course I had to refund the buyer a long time ago.
So… I get an email this morning, they found it, and will be returning it to me. This, after they have been saying for 3 weeks that the payment will be generated and mailed in 5 business days.
Never again UPS. I’d rather fight Mike Tyson.
So… These arrived too.
They’ll take you’re insurance Premium/payment quick enough though. The S#@$.
That sounds like an unnecessarily major pain in the arse; especially where they want to claim all sorts of nonsense that you have the paperwork to easily disprove.
I never drop off anything for shipping without getting a receipt for doing so.
And it seems to go in cycles for me, as to which of the big three couriers wants to try and screw me over the hardest. I trust them all about as far as I can comfortably lob a pelican.
Sorry dude that sucks!!! I dislike UPS as well. I usually always choose Fedex if given the option and pay more for it.
But those Teaks…!
And thank God you got your Schiit back.
The courier services are incompetent at times.
Anything of value I ship is conducted at a company facility
– I also take a picture of the mailing label attached to the parcel…before I leave the facility.
fed ex is just as bad. Worse IMO. UPS has its problems.
I guess it’s different for everyone can we just agree they all suck!? Lol
Agree with you 100 percent
our DHL driver “Chris” who delivers to our offices has from most coworkers the mobile phone number and informs us via whatsapp, if we get packages from overseas and have to pay extra fees for example or he informs us, if he arrives earlier in the lunch break so one of us can wait for him to open the door … it´s the small things
he is a really nice and funny guy … comes in and screams your name, if there is a package for you on his trolley - every day with him seems like xmas, eastern and birtday
we collect for the birthdays of his 2 children and his dog … he gets christmas presents from us and so on…
Well I trust UPS like I trust odometer readings in an autotrader add.
They are terrible. I live in a building where we don’t have mailboxes, so our packages get mailed right to our door. Ups, however likes to dump our packages/parcels in the lobby! How dumb can you get? Luckily my major carrier is Canada Post. Never have to claim theft or failed delivery.
That’s funny!
Thanks for the laugh.
Hey friend. Well, I can’t take intellectual property of that funny and sarcastic remark. That line is from Dennis Miller, who is one of my all time favourite comedians. His special “America 180” is hilarious. Heck you could even enjoy it on Heddphones.
The long awaited package has finally arrived. It’s only been 5 weeks but felt like an eternity. I’m sure most of you can relate when it comes to a shiny new toy
I didn’t expect it to be shipped in Seahorse box but it makes sense. It doesn’t need anymore protection other than a heavy duty travel case and a cardboard box.
Beautiful and lightweight are the best first impression I could ever hope for and boy, this thing delivers! I have a hard time believing that this thing actually weighs 430g. Once I put it on my head, I can feel the weight distribution works at its finest. The only small issue I have is with the height adjustment. It’s a bit hard to set it to a specific level.
I’m in for a long listening session for many nights to assess the weakest link in my setup and hopefully make the right purchase accordingly. Happy listening to me and you all gents
Amazing!! I can’t wait to get a pair. Looking forward to your impressions! What are you using to drive them? Also what Dac?