ZMF Headphones - Official Thread

As of last night, our local trio has moved to “Assembly” status …


Just so it is known… @antdroid and his above cryptic message…is getting his this Friday…I’ll let him share/gloat from here :wink:

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I figured it meant something like that … very nice!

What wood did you go for @antdroid?

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Yea my unit shipped out yesterday and hoping it’ll arrive Friday. I picked up a limited Mahogany unit since it was different. It was available at b-stock pricing. I got the last Mahogany unit as far as I can tell.



By the time we next get together we should have Silkwood, Pheasantwood, Mahogany and Ziricote here locally then, would be fun to compare them all.


I did not know that Mahogany was a possibility for the Verité.

My Pheasantwood, possibly the last of the bunch, have been in QC/Ship stage for about a month now.

Oh, dang. I wonder what is holding it up?

Mahogany is only available if you contacted Zach directly I think. It seems like he made a limited number of them – some reviewers had them – but he went into production with Silkwood (and limited runs of Phesantwood and Zirocote).


@Torq over on the headfi Verite thread Zach just mentioned that they will have a new amp based off the Pendant at CanJam SoCal …it will be monoblock end to end tube amps called LeeLoo monos…

Sounds interesting =)

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Isn’t that already up in Ampsandsound webpage?

Yeah, I am eager to hear leeloo (pendant x2) and suolus (kenzie x2) :drooling_face:


I think he did mention that :laughing:

I’ve searched for a tall (um, I don’t think this tall but 95% of cheap stands were too ‘short’ for my uses) stand that can hold my zmf headphones keeping adjustments and extensions unchanged. Woo Audio’s adjustable HPS-R or HPS-T look ideal but they are beyond what I’d like to spend for stands. I finally found a decent but still affordable one.

Note that my Auteur headphone was fully extended AND well above the ground regardless:

Indeed it was mentioned in one of the threads here (forgot which one it was :frowning:) Amazon sells it as " Solid Base Dual Sides Aluminum Headphones Stand Hanger".

I will get another zmf next week, and this seems to suffice up to two headphones. Not sure for three. Maybe will need to buy one more. :thinking:


I find these work really well for Audezes and other heavy cans or those with exposed connectors. Would definitely recommend:


It looks stunning. Immediately added it to the shopping cart. Two with the hanger and one with that “grabber” seem to work perfectly for me.


Just added the grabber as well lol

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I think I need a friggin’ headphone hat tree.

To minimize the space wasted on storing headphones, I repurposed the side of a metal file cabinet with these:

[And yes I put the XLR plug there on purpose.] The hangers are magnetic (plenty strong) and fold out of the way if needed.


I have one of these and it works very well for my HE-4XX and when I had the the M1060.


Having some music binges in the evening.

Every part of my rig – DDC, DAC, Amp, and the headphone (Blackwood Auteur for now) – is generating a beautiful harmony. Inherently good bass texture is even better nuanced and potential concerns mostly addressed or disappeared with the aid of amp and dac. The result is resolving, tad bright (I could recently identify myself as a very treble-nitpicking person), but still has neutral-ish tonal and timbre balance. I am also happy auteur with this configuration is technically no slouch compared to any top headphones I heard to date. Synergy talks.

Of course this is still imperfect. I might want sharper and vivid imaging which I enjoyed with Utopia and SR-009. With the current amp, Auteur clearly reduced the gap though. And sound is not only physically but also perceptively trapped in the enclosure (thus sounds a bit boxy) – this is a common weakness I found in every ZMF headphone; Verite (Pheasantwood) was better but nowhere close to the mentioned two.

I may have to hear Raal but still somewhat doubt if it can serve for my preference in sub-bass and upper registers – I’ve already turned down tons of TOTL cans for either criterion (including the mentioned two). Curious hell yes Convinced no. :wink:

Listening to Mai K’s Key to my heart. One of my jpop favorites. But contains a lot of sibilance challenges… really. I’m particularly using 2:35-2:45 for testing purposes as well. Verite passed. Aeolus passed. Auteur conditionally passed (pad-dependent). There are really few headphones for me to enjoy this track without too much annoyance. ZMF did it right. That’s good in my book so far.


You should definitely find a way to audition the SR1a.

I’ll save the details for a continuing narrative in their respective thread … but you may be pleasantly surprised. With a couple of special considerations, they have me looking at about half of my current headphone collection (which includes things like the AB-1266 Phi CC, HD800S, LCD-4, Utopia and so on) and wondering when I will ever use them again …


I am open for donations of said gear :wink: I am a poor soul after all =) “please sir!, may I have some more headphones?” :wink: