That Ferrari red suitcase couldn’t be anymore conspicuous! That is a true big boi amp.
One like is not enough! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Please do tell me how this sounds. It’s on my short list of potential end-game amps as well.
Congrats man, that’s one heck of a machine! You’re going to need to pour some concrete piers to give that big fella its proper support!
Can’t wait to hear your impressions.
Trying Ifi iPower to properly feed my Raspberry Pi 4.
It is incredible what a great difference this little thing can do cleaning out electrical noises.
Really impressed.
Dynamic version, apparently I’m not able to post more than one picture at a time… so I wasn’t able to include more shots of the box,
Impressions… out of my little Modded SET it reminds me a lot of the HD 600 but with better bass extension and some really pleasant cup reverb in the low bass. Sounds a lot like how I Audio Technica closed back woodies used to be… polite but impactful textured bass with some mild roll off around 40, smooth mid-range and a touch of extra presence and upper mid bite with a sparkly top end
NOS 1964 Reflektor 6N3P toobs for my Loxije P20.
This almost feels like cheating. I had already replaced the crappy Chinese tubes with some unbranded Russian tubes, which improved the performance somewhat. But the Reflektor tubes took everything to a new level. Most notably, the detail level and clarity jumped up considerably. These cost me €15, so it’s a budget friendly upgrade.
0302211450 by drjlo2, on Flickr
HiFiMan Deva for the win!
Trying to take pics but the website says too big
Where do the tubes go!???
I would think what’s inside is more interesting than the cardboard and plastic case?
The forum said my pics are too big
In the preamp, silly.
Ok. That’s acceptable.
I love the colours. Such great looking headphones.